tommannews.ycombinator.com/item?id=33203399 Hackernews in a nutshell
therubeno interest what so ever, but it turned out to be quite an interesting read, bostonreview.net/articles/mental-illness-is-not-in-your-head
therubeanother interesting one, forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&p=1494140
therepairtest chatzilla XP.32bit with SM 2.49.5+ UBO legacy 1.16.30
tommanfor Windows 12, I suggest MS pulling a Pentium III/Pentium M and forking XP :D
tommanoh wow, the ultimate Discourse sabotage: introducing, the BLANK PAGEā¢
tommanSyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal
tommanError: Could not find module discourse/lib/theme-settings-store
tommanReferenceError: Discourse is not defined
tommanvar HUGE_FILE_THRESHOLD_BYTES = 104_857_600; // 100MB
tomman...what the hell is that
tommanv8.dev/features/numeric-separators Oh, it's this Chromeism
tommanbecause "we need number separators in variables" was something that nobody ever requested, therefore Jeff Atwood and friends just had to use it!
tommanimplemented on Chrome 75, and Mozilla picked them up slightly earlier, at FF70
tommanonce again, who asked for this!?