01:55:17 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33122630 you just do not badmouth Holy Electron on Hackernews, or you will be beat down into submission 15:07:29 I'm convinced someone wrote an AI to upvote the dumbest comments on HN because they always seem to be at or near the top 17:13:31 Megaweapon: kind of like that one! 17:22:00 we all are haters :) 17:22:59 if someone make that such an AI, expect a Show HN thread revealing how YCombinator funded that project and it's now a full blown SaaS startup 20:45:58 https://forum.manjaro.org/t/wifi-adapter-no-connections-found/123034 Unfortunately, your browser is unsupported. Please switch to a supported browser to view rich content, log in and reply. 20:49:00 a-865: Discourse™ 20:49:16 SeaMonkey doesn't met Jeff Atwood's 10-year Vision 20:49:43 as if I needed "rich content" 20:49:44 sheesh 20:49:46 and instead they play active sabotage tactics (overflow-y: hidden;, also jQuery bougs click event handlers on tags) 20:50:04 Discourse has always been a pox since it got first released nearly a decade ago 20:50:13 I set the ua to 91 as an expiriment in last 2.5315b1 pre. Try it. You still get the regexp error for now. 20:50:32 ^experiment 20:50:35 CLOSED WONTFIX BUYAIPHONE TENYEARVISION 20:50:49 oh, forgot the NOLONGERWELCOMEHERE 20:51:09 if you get really insistent (or find a bug that put the Discourse them to shame), they will ban you 20:51:21 also they do not use a bugtracker, but a Discourse instance AS the bugtracker 20:51:25 somebody pointed me to that URI. That was my first experience Discourse, always avoided b4. 20:51:57 tunnel vision they have. Anyone choosing discourse as a forum software do not want users discussing things. That is probybly why mozilla choose it. Even junky phpbb is 1000 times better. 20:52:20 Even back in 2015, it was a terrible platform 20:52:31 bloaty, buggy as hell, even serverside it leaked resources like mad 20:52:50 oh, and Infiniscroll™ 20:53:10 it was the first popular forum platform to break pagination because once again, 10 Year Vision™ 20:53:21 whoever invented infiniscroll should be crucified 20:53:32 and even back then, Atwood was telling users that anyone using 5-year old computers back then should put then to pasture 20:54:08 The Daily WTF hosted one of the earliest instances of Discourse and massively bled members during that time (and they also broke the board nearly daily) 20:54:40 also HTTP 500 OK (the list of memes is so large it isn't funny anymore) 20:55:21 at some point they even had setup a site solely for monitoring uptime because the instance was down very frequently due to excessive CPU and RAM usage 20:55:50 oh, and the official setup instructions are: "the only supported setup is our Docker container, and nothing else" 20:56:24 but they would gladly sell hosted Discourse instances... complete with avatar CDNs (sadly that's not a joke) 20:56:25 Docker. That fits. Junk in junk :) 20:56:50 https://what.thedailywtf.com/topic/17231/wtf-how-can-this-be-so-wrong-aka-the-discopocalypse-thread relevant reading 20:57:22 (TDWTF eventually migrated to Flarum, which is more bloaty junk... but the dev doesn't hate them, it uses a Real DBMS under the hood -PostgreSQL-, and pagination is opt-in!) 20:57:46 https://what.thedailywtf.com/topic/13327/teh-o%EF%AC%83cial-discop%C3%A6dia-forums-dictionary 20:58:09 even a longtime lurker like me can get post-Discourse trauma 20:58:58 s/Flarum/NodeBB/ 21:01:04 neither Flarum nor NodeBB reached the insane level of popularity that Dischorse, er, Discourse enjoys 21:01:38 but all of them are terrible, but kids these days want their embeds, rich media, and insane UI layouts 21:03:02 tomman I still need to update a woltlab forum. Unfortunately they changed the whole style system again. I like progress but this constant reinventing the wheel goes on my nerves. 21:03:34 Apple sez: "you must rewrite your apps every 3 years or less" 21:11:32 I am still looking for one non hobbyist website which got better in the last 3 years after a rewrite/relaunch. 21:31:28 frg_Away: I think there is a rule somewhere in W3 that says that's not allowed :p 21:32:31 how can the hardware suppliers sell us new stuff if software doesn't continue endless bloat? 21:32:54 128k is plenty :) 21:34:43 My 128GB is plenty :) 22:08:24 look no add-on :) https://ibb.co/0QbML6q 22:09:47 same 22:09:50 https://ibb.co/kGDXwxw 22:10:42 wonder if they use shadow dom at all. 22:58:48 are we WebComponents™ yet? 23:01:51 tomman halfway when you enable them manually. Just added Bug 1443722 to my tree and it fixed the branch display in github. But didn't try to login in gitlab. Porbably still regexp issues.