CaptainTobinfrg_Away: how much extra development did the mailnews core, ldap, and mork get during 2.49's extended stay above 52.9?
frg_Awayabout a year and a half. Moslty security fixes but the mapi x64 crash fix some oauth stuff and VS2017 compiler support. Did some post 2.49.5 fixes for myself to disable defunct safebrowsing 2.2 and an few other minor things. We had our own branch in 52 until almost the end.
tommanfrg_Away: indeed enabling dom.w3c_pointer_events.enabled do fix Delta's booking site
tommanIt's still a bloaty webapp, hope the ICAO declares JavaScript frameworks as dangerous goods :D
frg_Awaytomman just put some more pointerevent stuff in. And set ua to 91 as a test. lets wee what breaks and what works now. Fixed 3 sites for me which warned me or didn't load before. But facepalm and noogle might not like it.
frg_Awaystatus meeting notes are out (late again):