NewTobinParadigm[2123-52] <NewTobinParadigm> there now where a menubar or a toolbar with a menubar is involved it is now consistant to the PUREST ux example of base windows widget design personal.mattatobin.com/image/captu…acb-495f-47b5-b810-e5dff18c587b.jpg
NewTobinParadigm[2125-26] <NewTobinParadigm> yes using file manager as a reference makes sense for the most basic of widget styling cause it uses only the most common and standard shit cause it old
NewTobinParadigm[2126-20] <NewTobinParadigm> I wanted to do exactly this design compramise but Moonchild said either toolboxes and toolbars stay starkwhite as provided by uxtheme or they should be -moz-Dialog
NewTobinParadigm[2126-57] <NewTobinParadigm> I wanted to match the OS style and override locally if needed like for Pale Moon's stylized main winder
therubeFF Quantum, but it does run on XP SP3.
therubethis link should work, last post, dslreports.com/forum/r33458929-Cann…-This-Bank-s-Online-Banking-Anymore
frg_Awaytherube coding for XP is a waste of time and resources these days. Might change if ReactOS leaves the alpha phase but unfortunately don't see much progress here too. Still stuck at 0.x releases for years and every time I try it it breaks soon in interesting different ways. So best to keep compatibility with 7 and up only and hope that 11 will never become popular. Personally running Server...
frg_Away...2019 now and good till 2028.
frg_AwayServer 2022 is an option for later too.