00:37:38 Gemini isn't exactly "Gopher". It has more capabilities. 00:38:15 You can still use old Netscape browsers for Gopher. It hasn't changed. 07:06:30 what was suggested was to use overbiteFF as a base for a gemini implementation 07:07:17 GrannyGoose: microsoft doesn't go through http access logs to have legal call regarding what they see as missing software licenses, do they? :-P 07:08:16 not refering to that, im refering to other stuff Orace destroy 07:18:48 ah 11:12:13 As a Photoshop alternative I heard some good things about Affinity Photo. 20:25:00 AWESOME GOOGLE 20:25:11 I can't open GMail anymore in a private window from SeaMonkey! 20:25:21 it just complains with "your browser is UNSAFE" 20:25:23 WTF GOOGLE 20:25:45 was trying to help $MOM because she can barely deal with the constant UX churn on her cellphone 20:25:53 but now I'm Officially Pissedâ„¢ 20:26:06 "your browser may not be safe" 20:26:14 who decreed that, the United Nations!? 20:27:10 https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/7675428 of course their non-answers are not helpful 20:27:28 apparently a "unsafe" browser is one that doesn't do JavaScript, among other things 20:31:00 now I wonder if I can also get "locked out" of Google in regular mode... 20:35:35 wait 20:35:37 I tried again 20:35:42 it now lets me login 20:35:46 fucking Google 20:41:55 long short story: can't have $MOM authorize me from her cellphone unless we both are on the same public IP / WiFi network 20:42:10 fortunately the security code sent to her recovery email (MY Gmail) worked 20:42:18 except that Google deemed the code as SPAM 20:42:27 and she was expecting an important email from her brother 20:42:36 Google also decided that was spam too! 20:42:51 how do I even DeGoogle my family!?