buctomman: njsg: frg: Regarding ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/20220822#c197807 ...
bucReverting 1485179-2 fixes the issue.
bucStrange commit. First, they increase bitfield size from 3 to 4, but then eliminate this change using "& 0x7" in an assignment.
bucBut do it in one place only. If you do it (& 0x7) in all two places (which seems the same as reverting of the patch), the problem gone.
bucI believe it is better to reverth this one, since it affects SM now. If somebody have a time, please bisect nightly Firefox builds to determine where and when this issue gone there.
tommantables are hard, let's go shopping~
» a-865 waves to buc
buca-865: Hi
bucInstead of 1485179-2 reverting, just add "& 0x7" into gitlab.com/seamonkey-project/seamon…ayout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp#L5371, the same way as it done in gitlab.com/seamonkey-project/seamon…ayout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp#L5330
buctomman: Do you have a reliable test case for ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/20220824#c197839 ? I opened the link, but there was no TypeError messsage in my case.
tommanbuc: it seems they updated their pile of Javascript vomit
tommanI still get the weak map key error, but this time caught inside a Unhandled Promise rejection from their Javascript framework vomit
tommanso far it's the only site where I've seen the weak map key issue