user9dhow come the first time I hear about seamonkey in 6 months is from going: /msg alis list * -topic *mozilla* -min 20
user9dcan seamonkey sign into Google account?
user9dBecause I tried epiphany-browser and the Google web page said that Safari, Firefox, and Chromium and Chrome and Edge can only go further [ie. to actually login to your Google account [and therefore your Gmail [and therefore see your Inbox]]].
user9dI'm assuming Opera works
njsgIn case user9d reads the logbot: such "use only these browsers" or "we only support these" messages are more often than not misleading or useless. In the case of google, I can use the gmail web interface. I'm not 100% sure about log in because I've not logged in recently and it's possible they have changed something
njsgit might be necessary to play with the builtin UA setting, between seamonkey, firefox and seamonkey+firefox, but I think that was only for web search
tommanRedHat also drank the Chrome kool-aid
tommanjust setting up a new WildFly 26 instance
tommanand they switched the management console to Bootstrap
tommanSyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'import'
tommanalso "ERROR o.j.h.c.bootstrap.HalBootstrapper Bootstrap error: (TypeError) : $wnd.Cookies is undefined"
tomman...time to improve my JBoss-CLI-fu