frg_Awaybuc currently cbindgen is not used. We are still putting stuff for stylo in to make it build. So for 2.53.14 you should be able to take it out. But this will not be possible forever.
bucfrg: Yes, successful build without it.
bucProbably it is better add to gitlab.com/seamonkey-project/seamon…d/moz.configure/rust.configure#L367 something like "and build_project != 'comm/suite' "
bucor something more suitable, kinda "--enable-stylo is not in effect".
bucNote, even in the latest Fedora Linux, its Firefox package use bundled cbindgen (not a system-wide one). So probably some troubles anyway. Other distros might have them as well, so better to check for cbindgen when "--enable-stylo" only.