tomman"TypeError: cannot use the given object as a weak map key"
tommanthis is... new to me
tommanfun, a nearly 1MB one-liner
tommanseems to be bug 1428438
tomman...actually a dupe of bug 1351501
tommanapparently got fixed on FF64
tommanheh, "weak map"
tommanbasically a "map of disposable junk"
franstamlol i like the rotary dial and android logo
franstamcopter blade and steering wheel
TobinAfter painstaking forensic analysis and months of work I have managed to reconstruct Moonchild's plan.. personal.mattatobin.com/image/captu…842-845d-4fb7-9d9c-ef3690fbcf4e.jpg
tommanoh god, GiggityHub won't stop breaking stuff because they're broken inside
tommanJustOff/github-wc-polyfill #68#issuecomment-1218104421 this is the XPI to make it working for today