13:52:08 Meeting notes updated. Sorry for being late again. 13:52:09 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2022-08-07 13:52:11 https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=SeaMonkey%2FStatusMeetings%2F2022-08-07&type=revision&diff=1243698&oldid=1243570 20:28:33 anyone had any luck with news.mozilla.org lately? 20:32:42 hmmm, SteamDB wants Google WebComponents™ and fancy regex crapola, and pesters me with a browsehappy.com nagbutton, but it doesn't look broken to e 20:32:45 --to me 20:32:50 graphs work, etc. 20:33:02 so why they do want me to install Chrome? 20:34:46 browsehappy is that useless list of pointers to sites of browsers? 20:35:05 yeah AKA Chrome, "latest Firefox", something that only runs on Macs, Chrome and Chrome 20:35:15 or one of those services which thinks people with js disabled must have it disabled by accident? 20:35:25 It's weird: I can't for my life find something that breaks here on SteamDB 20:35:47 then it might be just bad sniffing or bad coding 20:35:48 so maybe secretly they still care about us, or learned graceful degradation, or forgot to turn off the polyfills 20:36:23 No, I mean, I still see the dreaded "customElements is not defined" and "invalid regex group" errors on console, but the site is still useable 20:37:24 also: Euro Truck Simulator 2 is STILL at the top50 after a decade - people love their Scanias and Volvos, it seems 20:37:46 ...and people still play Counter-Strike despite being OOOOOOOOOOOLD 20:38:28 reminds me that steam for linux at one point apparently required networkmanager to use the "remember my password" option and would otherwise try to... dereference a certain value that looks a bit like the first part of "OOOOOOOOOOLD" 20:39:54 And never forget when they blindly did "rm -rf /" without checking 20:40:14 Valve's old motto that "it compiles - SHIP IT!" 20:40:59 never let former gamedevs (especially Japanese ones) to do payroll/accounting software!