frg_AwayMeeting notes updated. Sorry for being late again.
njsganyone had any luck with news.mozilla.org lately?
tommanhmmm, SteamDB wants Google WebComponents™ and fancy regex crapola, and pesters me with a browsehappy.com nagbutton, but it doesn't look broken to e
tomman--to me
tommangraphs work, etc.
tommanso why they do want me to install Chrome?
njsgbrowsehappy is that useless list of pointers to sites of browsers?
tommanyeah AKA Chrome, "latest Firefox", something that only runs on Macs, Chrome and Chrome
njsgor one of those services which thinks people with js disabled must have it disabled by accident?
tommanIt's weird: I can't for my life find something that breaks here on SteamDB
njsgthen it might be just bad sniffing or bad coding
tommanso maybe secretly they still care about us, or learned graceful degradation, or forgot to turn off the polyfills
tommanNo, I mean, I still see the dreaded "customElements is not defined" and "invalid regex group" errors on console, but the site is still useable
tommanalso: Euro Truck Simulator 2 is STILL at the top50 after a decade - people love their Scanias and Volvos, it seems
tomman...and people still play Counter-Strike despite being OOOOOOOOOOOLD
njsgreminds me that steam for linux at one point apparently required networkmanager to use the "remember my password" option and would otherwise try to... dereference a certain value that looks a bit like the first part of "OOOOOOOOOOLD"
tommanAnd never forget when they blindly did "rm -rf /" without checking
tommanValve's old motto that "it compiles - SHIP IT!"
tommannever let former gamedevs (especially Japanese ones) to do payroll/accounting software!