14:07:58 job: it would be really nice if you would stop being a coward and respond 14:08:22 not this second but soon 15:22:00 Tobin where when who? 15:25:26 frg_Away: job as well as at least two other users are only here in this channel because I am so they can run intel ops on my activities since I have this habit of talking about what i do if I think it might be of intrest 15:29:44 Tobin If they have too much time on hand just ignore them I would say. 15:31:38 well had to give the one that i had no issue with prior a chance and he ran like a babybitch so that is all i need to know.. not everyone .. in fact very few involved over there are particularly evil just misguided but I owe each individual that one chance after the sensationalism died down over the past several months 15:32:15 I am just disappointed. 15:32:28 anyway enough crap.. how are you frg_Away 15:32:32 and how is it going 15:33:55 Tobin melting and a bit tired :) Too hot here. Doing some backports but rather unenthusiastic today. 15:35:03 I have to catch up on testing and validation of what work over at you-ex-pee is desirable and get other independant work done 15:35:56 things really are a lot harder when you are on your own.. but that's ok the bulk of it i'd likely end up having to do if everything didn't combust 15:37:50 * IanN_Away sends some ice (cream) to frg_Away 15:37:51 frg_Away: I been giving more thought about what might have been a possibility of how I keep getting into situations like i do 15:38:36 Tobin well if you like to do things others down't it happens. At least to me :) 15:38:46 IanN_Away slurp 15:41:22 I think at the core of it is is that I tend to try and be transformative in the groups I join to help but I think it increasingly is seen as critizism and an attempt to take over and grab power and once there is something that gets me at odds with that group they simply use it as a way to not have to deal with whatever they have convinced them selves of 15:43:25 while I want to be more open to casual contribution and common goal problem solving I think primarily it is in my best intrests not to get so deeply intertwined with them other than my own 15:44:49 I can lone resources and time out like I been doing here but obviously I haven't tried to join the organization 15:45:11 and i think that is where I can be of best use 15:45:31 does that make any sense frg_Away 15:48:08 Tobin Well over the years I did calm down. Still passionate about the things I do but life is compromise. 15:49:56 athenian200 stole my site design .. well an older version of it 15:50:46 guess it is a good thing I have other plans else impersonating the BinOC style is very bad form.. Tho Moonchild is the one who modified it so no surprise there. 15:52:51 I had a web dev steal another one of my designs once 15:53:17 frg_Away: the web is so dull people have to steal my designs lol 15:57:32 Tobin most sites these days are crap. Instead of talking about the products and services they talak about how the products and services make to world a better place. As if they don't want to make money but empower humanity. Yeah I believe this... 15:58:37 the latter is true.. money is only a means to an end.. the days of simple greed are long long over 15:58:53 sorry the former 15:58:59 the latter is as you conclude 15:59:05 just PR 15:59:38 frg_Away: I could deal with all the bullshit in the world a lot easier if one small element evaporated 16:00:24 this bullshit of believing two completely contradictory things said back to back to one another and both are considered the absolute truth 16:00:47 even when both are verifably bullshit 16:00:58 if THAT went away.. we could deal with anything! 16:12:20 Tobin I am shooting for smaller things. let telemetry go away :) 16:12:45 telemetry is no small thing 16:12:59 maybe fe wise in app js but platform wise? 16:13:03 it is invasive as fuck 16:13:18 and even more so at the 56 base level vs 52 base level 16:16:21 frg_Away: don't forget that some utility code abused in non-telemetry situations so you will have to split them out as well 16:18:50 Tobin I know. Ran into it. Left it in for now but inert. 16:19:28 it should be almost non-existant in the Aura Runtime Engine 16:21:12 there are valid scenarios to use it sparsely but not as it is used by almost everyone right now and with non approval first too. 16:29:28 sure explains the mentality 16:30:11 their needs are more important than your needs