JesusGod-Pope666frg_Away do you know how to turn off the https?
JesusGod-Pope666I'm trying to access a site
JesusGod-Pope666one of these shadow domains I guess
JesusGod-Pope666bought by mistake
JesusGod-Pope666but they don't support https
JesusGod-Pope666only http
JesusGod-Pope666how do I turn https off?
JesusGod-Pope666Anyone knows?
JesusGod-Pope666Its terrible I can't access my website
JesusGod-Pope666because all of the browsers seems to force https
njsgis there any case other than HSTS where *the browser* would force https for a http URL?
JesusGod-Pope666All the browsers seem to force https
JesusGod-Pope666not a single one I have tried does not do it.
njsgif the browser is forcing HTTPS without you or the server requesting HTTPS, than it's possible the site has used HSTS in the past and this has been registered locally. Does it still happen in a blank profile? If all browsers are doing it, any chance it's the *server*?
JesusGod-Pope666It might be... but the support says it is because my browsers is forcing https and that is the issue.
njsgbarring this being some preloaded hsts entry, or this being something other than hsts, a blank profile would probably work
JesusGod-Pope666although I guess I can't count on them much.
JesusGod-Pope666JesusGod-Pope666.Truth <--- try it out.
JesusGod-Pope666Now I can't share a picture because Kiwi seems to be broke on that.
njsgopen the network tab of the devtools inspector, make sure it's set to persist logs and try to access http, do you see a first non-https and a second https request?