JesusGod-Pope666Hows things
JesusGod-Pope666What is the last build that works for windows 2000?
JesusGod-Pope666Maybe it is outdated I guess....
JesusGod-Pope666I wanna jump back to it, and looking into options.
JamminUnitJesusGod-Pope666: I'd try seamonkey-2.49.5 but no guarantee that it will really run.
IanN_AwayJesusGod-Pope666: look at seamonkey-project.org/releases/legacy for information
JamminUnitWow, I was waaaay off with my version suggestion :)
vord[m]its over bugzilla.mozilla.org/1784265
JesusGod-Pope666Well, I'll sort something out and see what I can figure out at some point.
JesusGod-Pope666thanks for the info
JesusGod-Pope666""The last version with Windows 2000 and Windows XP without SP2 support was SeaMonkey 2.9.""
JesusGod-Pope666how old is that version?
JesusGod-Pope666You have a portable version of SeaMonkey 2.9?
therubei suppose it's actually going to be 2.9.1, ftp.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.9.1
tommannow here is where I enter and ask: what about Win9x?
tommandid SeaMonkey ever ran on Win9x, or was it exclusive to Mozilla Suite?
JesusGod-Pope666Well if seamonkey did not come in a version 2.9.1 then it would be 2.9