tommanAnd the daily broken website of the day award goes to... the Chinese OEM that made my new air conditioner: hao.tcl.com/page103
tommantry to watch any of the videos there (because of course offering PDF manuals -as stated on the printed user manual!- is for dinosaurs)
tommanthey won't load at all on SeaMonkey, I only get network errors logged on the console and on the video players themselves
tommanthey load fine on FF91ESR, as expected
tomman(trying a UA override for video.wixstatic.com won't work)
tommaneven more bizarre:
tomman1) Copying the raw URL of any of the videos (hosted by video.wixstatic.com) and trying to download that with wget will work fine (so no referrer enforcement?)
tomman2) Sometimes at least one of the video HTTP requests go through (206 Partial Content), but will stop loading... but if you edit that header (well, do nothing - just resend the request), SeaMonkey will gladly max out my connection trying to downlaod the ~80MB videos
tommanAlso beware: TCL's site will try to resize your window for no good reason at all
tommanVIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Object { code: 4, message: "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported." } video.6.0.js:66:45
tommanrelevant headers from successful FF91ESR request: paste.debian.net/1249857
tomman...and from aborted SM request (UA override set for FF91, but it seems that it's irrelevant): paste.debian.net/1249858
tomman...OK, wait
tomman...disregard that I'm a stupid dinosaur
tommanforgot I had to whitelist the site on Flashblock!
tomman(I got fooled by not seeing the Flashblock placeholders)
tommanI guess that a possible improvement for video blocker addons would be a warning bar telling the user that "This page has videos from <DOMAINS>, do you want to enable them? <YES/NO>"
tommanJustOff/github-wc-polyfill #68#issuecomment-1171379830 oh, to unf*ck GiggityHub this time, roytam's test version of the addon seems to work fine
a-865What happens if I click on "allow notifications" in the popup? Is it undoable? What if I click on never? What notifications?!?!? So far I keep having to click not now because they keep coming back without explaining what it's all about.