hrosikhi, question about logbot_cc - I'm planning to load history from the original logbot instance...
hrosikhowever, there is an time overlap between the original channel on the mozilla IRC and the freenode one
hrosikany opinions on how to handle it?
hrosikI'm was thinking about merging the freenode history with the current one, silently ignoring the network transition (because there is no overlap, there's actually almost 2 weeks missing)
hrosikbut the mozilla × freenode is a bit of conundrum
hrosikI can 1) cut off mozilla history where freenode starts (losing some history)2) mix it
hrosik2) mix it as the messages were sent
hrosik... which may make discussions unreadable
hrosik3) split it into separate channel logs, which will be a bit clumsy for searching
hrosik... suggestions welcome :)
» hrosik is rarely on line these days, so just leave a message in the chat history or drop a line to the e-mail address mentioned on the logbot webpage
frg_Awayhrosik Aas you see fit. I didn't miss the history yet. If in doubt mix. I don't think there will be much discussion overlap.