02:37:57 Do 2.57 builds try to update and use the same profile as 2.53 or do they create their own? 03:16:22 Okay, MSN News is blank unless the useragent override for msn.com is Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko 03:16:34 Man, a lot of these overrides are for Microsoft sites. 04:05:36 what sites exactly are these 04:09:26 seems to work fine for me in 2.53.14 04:09:35 without overrides 15:17:40 wonderful blackouts 15:17:52 but even more weird: I got my sessionStore.json corrupted again? 15:18:22 like, if the browser doesn't close cleanly (say: the power went out, so I just hit the power button to shutdown stuff before batteries run out) 15:18:52 next boot, I find a totally blank new browser window with no memory of my last session 15:19:09 I'm looking at a ~600KiB sessionStore.bak, and an empty (~512b) sessionStore.json 15:20:05 1) Why it could be happening, and 2) is there a way to recover URLs from the corrupted one? (I try to open it on GTK-based editors like Pluma or mousepad and the thing freezes because it's a 600KB-oneliner) 15:21:42 oh, I can see the URLs, but a bunch of other encoded crap, and it's not easy to deal with ~600KiB oneliners on most editors 15:24:32 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5243885/json-command-line-formatter-tool-for-linux MUCH better 15:24:50 (jq IS on Debian repos, so I'm good to go) 15:28:39 https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer nice, it's entirely client-side (and of course, loading ~700KiB JSON is not healthy for performance here) 15:28:48 I see an empty windows[] array 15:29:04 and a closedWindows[] arrray with tab data for 3 windows 15:29:59 wait, I didn't have 32 tabs on a single window! 15:31:29 the other two closed windows seem to be popup windows, including one from my bank, and another spam one that I guess got blocked since I can't recall ever closing it 15:32:14 In any case, session data looks OK - so why SeaMonkey refuses to load it and instead pretends it never existed? 15:33:58 32 tabs, including tabs I had closed days ago (but I can't see any flag that tells me that such a tab was indeed closed?) 19:21:26 tomman: I use sed to insert linefeeds into one-liners, usually after "}" in CSS files.