DaemonFCDo 2.57 builds try to update and use the same profile as 2.53 or do they create their own?
DaemonFCOkay, MSN News is blank unless the useragent override for msn.com is Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
DaemonFCMan, a lot of these overrides are for Microsoft sites.
GrannyGoosewhat sites exactly are these
GrannyGooseseems to work fine for me in 2.53.14
GrannyGoosewithout overrides
tommanwonderful blackouts
tommanbut even more weird: I got my sessionStore.json corrupted again?
tommanlike, if the browser doesn't close cleanly (say: the power went out, so I just hit the power button to shutdown stuff before batteries run out)
tommannext boot, I find a totally blank new browser window with no memory of my last session
tommanI'm looking at a ~600KiB sessionStore.bak, and an empty (~512b) sessionStore.json
tomman1) Why it could be happening, and 2) is there a way to recover URLs from the corrupted one? (I try to open it on GTK-based editors like Pluma or mousepad and the thing freezes because it's a 600KB-oneliner)
tommanoh, I can see the URLs, but a bunch of other encoded crap, and it's not easy to deal with ~600KiB oneliners on most editors
tomman(jq IS on Debian repos, so I'm good to go)
tommancodebeautify.org/jsonviewer nice, it's entirely client-side (and of course, loading ~700KiB JSON is not healthy for performance here)
tommanI see an empty windows[] array
tommanand a closedWindows[] arrray with tab data for 3 windows
tommanwait, I didn't have 32 tabs on a single window!
tommanthe other two closed windows seem to be popup windows, including one from my bank, and another spam one that I guess got blocked since I can't recall ever closing it
tommanIn any case, session data looks OK - so why SeaMonkey refuses to load it and instead pretends it never existed?
tomman32 tabs, including tabs I had closed days ago (but I can't see any flag that tells me that such a tab was indeed closed?)
a-865tomman: I use sed to insert linefeeds into one-liners, usually after "}" in CSS files.