06:10:27 SM 2.49.5 mail was not reporting TB mail, but 2.53.13 is. Is this correctible? 06:48:32 reporting? or not asking to import fro0m TB to SM? 06:50:16 [16:10:17] SM 2.49.5 mail was not reporting TB mail, but 2.53.13 is. Is this correctible? 12:19:43 frg_Away: adding the 2 includes resulted in a successful build. so not sure if shuld be added as a seperate 9999999 bustage fix or added to the patch that added the dependency. I will leave that up to you and Ian. 16:56:07 2.53.13 mail is reporting User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.0, while 2.49.5 mail was reporting User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5. Can 2.53.13 be made to omit Thunderbird? 16:57:59 a-865 not our doing. If this is the Fedora distribution build ask buc. 17:55:56 frg_Away: I thought maybe there was an about:config option that could be changed. I use buc's because iso 8601 is must-have 17:58:06 a-865 not that I know. 20:35:17 a-865: In Fedora builds, you can alternate mailer's UA in about:config by "mailnews.useragent.override" string preference. (You can set it to the empty string to drop UA at all if needed). 20:35:36 Hi buc 20:37:29 a-865: BTW, why you want to drop TB mentioning? It is intended to avoid possible anti-spam failures due to a possible negative scoring because of an "unknown mailer" (I believe there are more chances "they know about TB", rather than SM... ) 20:37:32 frg: Hi 21:01:00 buc: I use SeaMonkey, so /my/ browser says UA is SeaMonkey, not Firefox. I wish equivalent in my email. 21:02:25 a-865: What is your browser's user agent? (As shown in "about:") 21:03:19 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53.13 21:03:20 Build identifier: 20220708151617 21:04:39 Well, than the same UA should be for the mailer. IOW, "Thunderbird" appears there only as a replacement of "Firefox" (if present)... 21:08:34 a-865: Just checked -- if you use "Identify as SeaMonkey", then both browser and mailer use SM in UA and do NOT mention neither FF nor TB . 21:09:20 buc: 2 emails I sent early today inexplicably do not match. The first claims TB, the second SM, as does the next. In one particular folder, all prior to today have TB, until 2 since have SM. 21:09:47 buc i can forward some emails to you for inspection if you want 21:11:29 a-865: Did you change "Identify as..." these days? 21:12:08 a-865: Or maybe you have general.useragent.override explicitly set? 21:13:43 I didn't change anything today to explain any switch occurring. I'm out for a while.... 21:19:39 a-865: How exactly do you determine the value of UA in a mail? Kinda "sent folder" and "View message source"? 21:25:13 a-865: looks like some profile mess (or different instances/versions/builds of SM somehow). 22:32:53 buc: https://paste.opensuse.org/74888652 https://paste.opensuse.org/6655078 22:33:22 he always leaves right before I get back 22:35:01 buc: https://paste.opensuse.org/96441773 23:45:14 Hey guys 23:45:17 How are you?