hrosikhi, in the next couple of days I'll be moving logbot_cc to a new machine - expect outages/missing logs between the 11th and 14th of July
frg_Awayhrosik thanks for the heads-up. Any chance to add a proper https cert?
hrosikfrg_Away: yes :) I didn't originally want to use Let's encrypt, but it may come to that
frg_Awayhrosik great basically the only thing blocking to add this to the website.
hrosikdepends on how much time I'll get to fiddle with it...
hrosikfrg_Away: I assume by 'proper https cert' you mean with a chain rooted somewhere in the default set of browser-trusted certificates, right?
frg_Awayhrosik yes. The other is proper too but you know.... :)
hrosikI have been meaning to use one chained to cacert, but haven't really interacted with it for years.
hrosikanyway, as usually: thanks to you all who are keeping seamonkey alive and kicking!
frg_Awayhrosik we try
hrosikfrg_Away: no no, you actually "do" as in youtube.com/watch?v=h5SNAluOj6U :)
frg_AwayMay XUL be with you