JamminUnitOh great... upgraded my nextcloud-server from 23.0.4 to 24.0.1 and now I can no longer access the web interface with seamonkey :-(
frg_Awayerror console shows something?
JamminUnitLemme have a look...
JamminUnitSyntaxError: invalid identity escape in regular expression: [\p{L}\p{N}]
JamminUnitThat's the most suspicious one IMHO.
JamminUnitBut hang on. Once I've switched seamonkey emitting english language, I will catch all the errors again...
frg_AwayProbably needs ew regexp engine. I am a bit stuck here with rebasing patches from Waterfox Classic. No eta.
JamminUnitIn latest waterfox-classic release I can use the nextcloud Web-UI.
frg_Awayconfirms it.
JamminUnitHere's everything from the error console (hopefully) censored: pastebin.com/raw/uasAhKpv
JamminUnitAs I suspected, nextcloud people rather prefer this being fixed in seamonkey :-(
tommanthe lesson here is: never update the software of your appliances :/
JamminUnitIMHO that's a very stupid conclusion...
tommanindeed it is, but sadly that seems how the entire IT industry works nowadays