00:39:10 https://technastic.com/xiaomi-bloatware-list-miui/ OK, this page acts WEIRD 00:39:15 it renders fine while loading 00:39:33 then, when it finishes loading, it loses its styles! 00:39:52 (but if you stop page load before it "breaks", it still looks fine) 04:00:53 tomman: most likely javascript-related, as it does not lose its styles here, although from what I'm seeing losing the styles might not be a bad thing... 04:01:01 tomman: does https://technastic.com/xiaomi-bloatware-list-miui/amp/ work better? 04:01:21 has a big space at the top here but might be more usable despite that 04:01:51 at least it does not "autodetect" smartphones based on content width 04:06:59 well least SeaMonkey won't be affected by this.. You guys HAVE permission to use Thunderbird's keys 04:07:04 https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/issues/34 09:43:48 tomman: https://technastic.com/xiaomi-bloatware-list-miui/ - the fix is to Block Remote Fonts (ublock O.) 14:57:57 what needs to be done to make the attachments on https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=6352789#post6352789 open in the current SM instead of selecting SM with SM profile manager? 15:03:57 a-865: you tried to make it open in SM by specifying the SM executable? 15:04:25 (just trying to understand how it gets to a state where it opens the profile manager) 15:05:29 here those two attachments don't seem to offer the option to open in SM, I can do it but that's because of "Open in browser" 15:07:34 is "plain/text" an alias for "text/plain" in MIME? 15:08:12 (that's the content-type the server indicates for these attachments) 15:11:44 I wonder if it is a bug in vBulletin, I've never noticed anything like this before. 15:24:30 I could reproduce at forums.fedoraforum.org, I could find a post there whose .txt attachment is served as plain/text as well. 15:25:13 so there's something happening with vBulletin instances and text/plain files 15:34:37 https://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?258766-NFS-Mounts-but-no-files-in-mounted-directory&p=1442806#post1442806 15:37:15 it might be possible to change it in the configuration: https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/onepage/?manualversion=40205500#item270 15:37:26 (longish page, but seems to load quickly) 15:39:51 njsg: is that vbulletin page about what the site needs to do, or what its users can do? 15:40:10 yes, by specifying 15:40:13 I wonder if ubuntuforums.org has the same behaviour, but it appears that only logged-in users can access attachments there 15:40:31 a-865: the former - I'm also curious about what the current values are 15:40:32 infuriating that SM won't open text file attachments 15:40:42 I mean, does it indeed come with .txt as "plain/text"? 15:42:32 njsg: I don't see any way to tell whether it's labeled plain/text or text/plain or something else 15:43:17 until trying to open, where it's plain/text 17:15:39 I'm going to go out on a limb and say someone saw "text/plain", didn't understand how MIME content-types are organized, and mentally translated it to "plain/text" so that it reads out as "plain text" in plain English. 17:17:52 Either that or somebody had something open in vim and hit the key combo for swap-words. 17:18:59 In any case, the correct content-type would be "text/plain", NOT "plain/text". The list of possible categories is short and definitely does not include "plain". 19:54:11 blackouts~ 19:54:28 Finally, I got a legit internationally-useable credit card... 19:54:39 ..let's create a PayPal account 19:54:45 ...and can't because a script error happens 19:55:02 "Error de análisis XML: no se encontraron elementos 19:55:04 Ubicación: https://www.paypal.com/auth/verifygrcenterprise 19:55:05 Línea 1, columna 1: 19:55:08 ("no elements found") 19:55:43 barred for years from the world economy due to communism, and now still barred due to JavaScript 19:57:31 ...that error happens on all pages?! 19:57:42 yet... I can ignore that first page ("let's know what you like") 20:05:26 ...nevermind, managed to make the account (and got it promptly "limited", because they hate Venezuelans) 21:12:12 possibly wrong content-type? or, perhaps more likely (well, really a subtype of the "wrong content-type" family of issues), something that normally returns XML but is hitting some error condition (UA sniffing, lack of some header, lack of some setting somewhere) 21:13:30 the latter might become more common in this world of "living standards" where it's apparently ok to change defaults in backward-incompatible ways