07:58:54 frg: https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/compare/e8595967f06de28cc8e5a21a63dfa5b61329dd29...fa416e2a2d3829f7bffda9eb6a33410fa97923f8 07:58:56 ;) 07:59:01 Thanks again for that. 17:01:04 frg_Away: https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/compare/e8595967f06de28cc8e5a21a63dfa5b61329dd29...fa416e2a2d3829f7bffda9eb6a33410fa97923f8 17:01:09 thanks again for that 17:02:02 NewTobinParadigm np I usually try to fix what I broke :) 17:02:03 I am trying to keep orginal author as much as possible when possible (and I remember to lol) 17:02:13 so it WAS your fault lol 17:03:38 i only got two things to do before tuesday's Interlink's Platform Refresh release https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/issues?state=open&milestone=1 17:04:10 but after that I can get back on track with my orginal goals 17:05:30 which was updating Interlink bits its self.. Communicator Preferences, maybe even untanging the mess the Thunderbird Anarchy Era introduced 17:06:22 renaming what are obviously mozilla js modules to jsm .. removing bits i half-ass disabled 3 years ago 17:06:30 all kinds of good fun eh frg_Away 17:08:45 6 weeks to de-sabotage the codebase done over 6 months basically 17:08:50 NewTobinParadigm The 2.53 code has working TB code if you need other backports. But not sure how easy they apply to the "older" codebase. 17:09:15 frg_Away: i did take in some backports provided by someone else over the years 17:09:39 might be interesting to take a peak.. ONE in particular is a priority for users tho 17:09:58 https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/issues/9 17:10:00 that one 17:11:13 it isn't entirely trival and my cpp skills are nearly non-existant.. oh i can apply and test but create new code or adapt newer code back is exceedingly difficult 17:12:32 though it doesn't look AS intemidating now since I did this patch: https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/commit/e8595967f06de28cc8e5a21a63dfa5b61329dd29 17:13:31 this won't be applicable for you at your level since it all works as it is supposed to.. but at mine it is the best solution to balance the intent of the security/privacy bug and what is required to work internally 17:16:20 Mozilla's patch only allowed the file: protocol access to only moz-icon: .. Moonchild unsuccessfully did what was removed and that disallowed moz-icon:file:// from web but not the moz-icon: its self.. and it still left about:feeds unable to use it.. so he didn't fully patch the intent of the mozilla sec bug and broke internal shit which had issues before anyway 17:16:56 Hi 17:17:10 Rainer_Bielefeld: your name is familar 17:17:22 i feel like we have spoken before 17:20:04 anyway i think with the slow death of rss and the incompatibility with current mozilla tech that the surface for this kind of fingerprint data harvesting is very small.. besides, an extension's about page or w/e can access the filesystem anyway and steal a much more complete picture of what is installed or registered as file types vs a website's feed breaking sandbox and querying moz-icon:file:// urls 17:20:31 Currently I'm using installation of unofficial (by wg9s) De SeaMonkey 2.53.12 beta 1 Mozilla/5.0 (NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 Build 20220413141527 (Default Classic Theme, newly created User Profile) on German WIN7 64bit. 17:20:35 as well as not allowing the protocol at ALL to the web its self 17:21:38 But I haven't been asked to update to 2.53.12. Are 2.53.12 beta 1 and 2.53.12 identical? 17:21:52 Rainer_Bielefeld: but my onoficial builds are what is expected to be the next official release. 17:21:56 does WG9s run an aus service? 17:22:10 NewTobinParadigm: no i do not 17:23:01 we have enough issues trying to provide symbols builds for these in the aomunt of space we have to use on the mozilla servers. 17:23:06 WG9s: it isn't very difficult perhaps you should consider adding it so users aren't left hanging.. I could do some php scripting based off stuff i have done before if you tell me your requirements at some point 17:23:23 WG9s: yeah but you could use your own server 17:24:08 WG9s: why do you need to provide symbol builds why not just provide the symbols them selves for winders 17:24:15 as a seperate download 17:24:16 look on my own server you can do as i do to get a new build if there is one. I have a script for this 17:25:03 WG9s: i can't.. well i could now since I moved but you kinda ip banned me at one point lol 17:25:28 Really waht Ip did I ban I can unbann 17:26:00 it was a comcast ip either starting with 69 or 98 17:26:05 what i do is 17:26:06 sorry 65 and 98 17:26:06 mkdir -p ~/builds 17:26:08 cd ~/builds 17:26:09 touch -r *seamonkey253-linux-x86_64* test.$$ 17:26:11 wget -N 'http://www.wg9s.com/cgi-bin/getbuild?seamonkey253-linux-x86_64' || exit 1 17:26:12 cd ~ 17:26:14 if [ builds/*seamonkey253-linux-x86_64* -nt builds/test.$$ ] 17:26:15 then 17:26:17 rm -rf seamonkey wg9s_253 17:26:18 bzcat builds/*seamonkey253-linux-x86_64* | tar xvf - 17:26:20 mv seamonkey wg9s_253 17:26:21 fi 17:26:23 perl 17:26:23 rm -f builds/test.$$ 17:26:39 and bash 17:26:40 heh 17:27:04 New I thought I unbanned all of the banned IP addresses on my last birtday in Februrary. Of course you might have pissed me off after that 17:27:16 this year? 17:27:27 well i moved at christmas 17:27:33 but things have changed since then 17:27:37 a lot of things 17:34:10 I'd still love to know why i can't get past nss 3.64 tho 17:34:44 and why random unrelated bits seem to error out for no rasin 17:35:20 still somewhat patched 3.64 is better than a barely patched nss 3.52 and deff vs an unpatched 3.whatever 52 shipped with 17:36:06 i can only gleem right now that 3.65 had some major refactoring or is it major refuckening 17:36:08 :P 17:36:30 oh well I am sure I will figure it out eventually 18:02:14 WG9s: Thx! 18:04:15 I don;t kno says I have benned no one. 18:26:55 hey frg_Away did you manage to import the mapi headers into your tree? 18:27:06 Yes 18:27:21 ah ok 18:27:27 i did too 18:27:47 a lot simpler for me than the changes in the orginal c-c bug 18:28:26 one of these days if i get good enough I will complete the incomplete xul linkage :P 18:29:23 if I can manage it and get more stuff out of libevil i could change how I package and build and redux the xulapp type of thing 18:29:44 that was the dream of xre and toolkit after all 18:31:18 MOZ_INCOMPLETE_EXTERNAL_LINKAGE .. incomplete for too long :( 18:32:56 frg_Away: do you guys have any search plugins where you get revenue from? 18:34:15 Yes ddg and startpage. 18:47:48 ah 21:08:53 another down.. https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/commit/a7c286677036445e571c914e3b94e16747904835 one more change to go before the official blockers are all resolved 21:09:38 feel free to use it if you want lol 21:09:45 frg_Away ewong 21:11:12 This is already gone in latest 2.53. Was only needed for npapi. 21:35:20 well also eme and webrtc 21:35:26 well 21:35:32 gmp was hacky 21:35:47 but i swear the gmp provider relied on npapi plugin provider 21:36:30 frg_Away: the thing is that it is more work than it is worth to remove npapi from the codebase and there are a few edge cases that can be served or hell the slim, admittedly, hope of new plugins 21:36:52 if i killed npapi the possibility of a chrome based ietab type of thing would be dead 21:37:15 because that used a combo of npapi, xpcom binary and js to do the magic 21:38:10 i just didn't know you killed npapi in a 56-based codebase 21:38:48 EME and webrtc are still working in latest 2.53. Tested with a Firefox build. Problem is npapi needed gtk2 and some Linux distributiions already removed it. And it seems the removal has a positive effect on speed an memory usage. 22:28:22 frg_Away: they may have moved some shit over to gmp provider OR transfered some stuff over.. i dunno GMP is evil 22:28:26 also https://code.binaryoutcast.com/projects/aura-central/commit/2d42120dfce04f2984b7ca719c659cc3cb1af14b 22:28:30 I am ready to rock! 22:28:55 http://personal.mattatobin.com/image/capture/a0a52c0b-3997-464a-a656-19c6a0d8a979.jpg