02:46:30 <lupac> Hi, I am using seamonkey on anti x and i happen to remove all my toolbars. There is no space for me to right click and pick toolbars anymore and i dont have the menu bar or url bar. how can i reset this/ 03:03:49 <lupac> NVM 11:33:52 <nHarzilei> maybe it makes sense to ask here in addition to #chatzilla: how does one reload networks.txt? 11:41:38 <frg_Away> nHarzilei There is now a restore Deafaults in the Networks Editor. 11:41:58 <nHarzilei> not _reset_ 11:42:03 <nHarzilei> i modified it externally 11:42:11 <nHarzilei> now i want to make use of it 11:43:09 <nHarzilei> (w/o restarting cz and disconnecting everything that is) 11:45:49 <frg_Away> nHarzilei Not sure if this is possible. IanN_Away did most of the cZ stuff lately. Maybe he knows. 11:46:13 <frg_Away> Hi Rainer_Bielefeld 12:08:10 <Rainer_Bielefeld> Hi frg 12:34:19 <IanN_Away> nHarzilei: i'd have to double check on the code but only touched the recent version, you seem to be on a fairly old version (0.9.92) 12:35:32 <nHarzilei> oh, it's fine, i can try and get a newer one running somehow. (if still possible on an old implementation) 12:35:51 <nHarzilei> (i _think_ i have the latest sm i can run on this ancient macos) 12:39:32 <frg_Away> nHarzilei 2.53.x runs on 10.9 min. Or it should. 12:39:43 <nHarzilei> i guess https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/seamonkey/addon/chatzilla/ (or some associated api url) is not the place anymore where it should now look for updates? 12:39:51 <nHarzilei> this is 10.6.8 12:40:23 <frg_Away> nHarzilei Time for a hardware update or switch to Linux on it. 12:40:30 <nHarzilei> i _am_ trying to install a contemporary xcode, but it's not beefy wrt ram. 12:40:53 <nHarzilei> it's obviously not my main machine 12:41:30 <frg_Away> 2.53 will not compile or work with < 10.9. We basically forked cZ for 2.53. I think upstream it is pretty much dead. 12:41:32 <nHarzilei> i'll gladly try on a linux box if that moves things along wrt the actual functionality, but of course would be interested in updating this machine too. 12:42:31 <nHarzilei> (wrt cz, 's fine if i'm stuck with an older mail & news component) 12:43:22 <nHarzilei> (and the browser works fine for w/e links appear in about boxes etc., as long as i do the update dance around the keys signing the letsencrypt ones) 12:46:29 <nHarzilei> is there any bugzilla url or discussion on what actually led to the version bump? i can imagine they just did not want to support ancient xcode versions in their tooling. 12:47:35 <nHarzilei> (in before bisect it myself ;) 12:48:50 <frg_Away> nHarzilei Newer sdk and ancient OS. Too many problems. I am even thinking of going up to 10.11 now. Problems with Monterey Full screen might need further adjustments but not a mac developer. All workarounds < 10.9 are removed from our code. 12:49:08 <nHarzilei> it's funny that debian people are discussing rust and quantum on m68k while a macos version from _this_ century poses a problem ;) 12:50:35 <frg_Away> nHarzilein I think for current Firefox it is now 10.13 or 10.12. Not sure. 12:53:05 <nHarzilei> so the cz in 2.40 is still the upstream one? 12:53:42 <IanN> hi stefanh 12:54:07 <stefanh> IanN: Hi 12:54:50 <nHarzilei> guess my immediate problem will solve itself when i have to restart for getting 0.9.93 :) 12:55:24 <stefanh> IanN: ##smafa says I need an invite 12:56:29 <nHarzilei> oh, and is it still possible to donate just by wiring money to kairo? 12:57:20 <nHarzilei> ah, to SeaMonkey e.V., nvm 12:57:24 <frg_Away> nHarzilei. Donation information is on the project page. kairo is basically no longer involved other than the german landing page. 12:57:39 <mcsmurf> see https://www.seamonkey-project.org/donate/ 12:57:45 <nHarzilei> yeah, found that just now 12:57:46 <IanN> nHarzilei: yes, I did consider whether we could update the upchannel version but lots of the changes would not work with the older SeaMonkey 12:58:13 <RickieES> Hi, all 12:58:50 <IanN> hiya RickieES 12:58:52 <RickieES> I'm trying to access the meeting channel but I'm not allowed to enter nor to invite myself 12:59:17 <IanN> RickieES: are you doing the double # ? 12:59:32 <RickieES> Yes 12:59:51 * IanN nudges mcsmurf 12:59:57 <mcsmurf> RickieES: done :) 13:01:32 <nHarzilei> heh, 10.11. i think 10.7 isn't even the last my system would support, but before i try anything else i'd want to try that first if i can get my hands on it. 13:01:56 <nHarzilei> (not a real mac person myself, so even acquiring it seems to be a major endeavour) 13:03:37 <Rainer_Bielefeld> Hm, I only can join an unknown room smafa 13:07:40 <nHarzilei> oh, right, you have your meetings on sundays, right? saw that somewhere. 13:07:41 <frg_Away> nHarzilei you should be able to update inplace. 13:07:55 <nHarzilei> yeah, i just did, but it still says i need to restart 13:08:08 <nHarzilei> oh, you meant the os? 13:08:41 <IanN> nHarzilei: looking at the code, there's not currently a way of re-reading the networks file 13:08:43 <frg_Away> yes 13:09:10 <nHarzilei> well, if i want to larp this being my best machine, of course i'd be helplessly stuck because no browser on it can log into the apple account anymore :D 13:11:10 <nHarzilei> and i'm sure the experience _will_ turn out to be less than optimal when done through another computer... but i'm sure when i visit some genius bar, folks will gladly offer me to dispose of my e-waste ;) 13:12:51 <nHarzilei> let's check ebay classifieds, maybe a firewire enclosure turns up. sd card, usb stick both unbearably slow when running linux off it. 13:22:05 <IanN> i was looking at a 2009 iMac in the office on Friday... 13:44:31 <nHarzilei> i think that's what i sat in front of at a former part-time job 13:46:08 <nHarzilei> only ever had a huge terminal open on it, and parallels running the windows client for lotus notes. well, and a browser. think i never tried running seamonkey on it, that i did only at lab computers at uni. 13:46:12 <nHarzilei> (wrt macs) 16:30:39 <tonymec|away> Sorry about missing the eV General Assembly: I fell asleep in front of the computer. 17:43:42 <njsg> no matter what the corporate structure is, it's probably possible to find out which brands belong to Aol-Yahoo-Verizon-etc by looking for reports of broken 8-bit in outgoing e-mail messages...