NewTobinParadigmmy basically finished script personal.mattatobin.com/image/captu…bfc-d47b-4e53-ba21-216cedd6d31b.jpg
NewTobinParadigmworks perfectly .. now personal.mattatobin.com/image/captu…500-fd6b-427f-9cb4-900c3020b476.jpg
tomman"deadline" is now considered offensive too!?
tommanat this pace, half of the English language will also be shortlisted to be purged
tommanI suggest also banning "lifetime" :D
frg_Awaytomman at leats in this context. It might imply that you are responsible to really have something ready by a certain date and that we can't have :)
NewTobinParadigmtomman: just commuicate in emoji that way you CAN'T offend someone
NewTobinParadigmunless you mis-color or mis-gender them
NewTobinParadigmaside from that it is virtually impossibe
tommanI'm glad my native language is Spanish~~~
tomman(sure, there is Spain that gets pissed at us Latam'ers when we "deform" their pristine language, but nobody cares)
NewTobinParadigmsome would say my native speaking language is asshole..
NewTobinParadigmthey may be right
WG9s_just so you know my build still not :official: but are being archived to ftp.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/nightly and source is archived also if all the paltfroms i build are successful
NewTobinParadigmWG9s_: is there a repo or repos?
NewTobinParadigmcause if so i can add it to xr.binoc