00:13:44 http://personal.mattatobin.com/image/capture/c111d147-3eb8-494b-84cb-09351abe76b7.jpg 00:40:34 https://forums.lenovo.com/topic/view/15195/5113258 another victim of unhealty JS bloat 00:40:47 the "loading" spinner never goes away on Lenovo forums (but you can scroll and read stuff!) 00:41:08 the JS console is full of... piles and piles of vomit, yet I don't see any of the usual Chromeisms 00:41:30 aside of a couple of undefined/null variables 00:42:12 ...why webpages do need "Loading" animations?! isn't the work of the User Agent to provide those anyway? 00:42:33 ..no, wait, I've already commited that sin in the past, but that's because AJAX 00:43:15 in any case, your script dies and I'm stuck with a permanent "loading, please wait until you or your hardware die" overlay... 06:41:19 and back now 07:54:04 tomman: pile on top of that the whole "lazyloading" thing 07:54:26 why couldn't it just be designed and used as an opt-in backwards-compatible thing? 07:54:50 but then this is the same arena where defaults are changed in standards after they're published 12:15:21 IanN_Away Linux versions have the wrong channel set: release instead of beta! 15:20:43 huh, found that one of my addons (Redirector) hangs SeaMonkey at 100% CPU when I open the addon manager, but only if I go to Get Addons 15:20:50 no script warnings, no nada 15:20:55 it just hogs forever 15:20:57 BUT! 15:21:31 if I disable Redirector (from its settings is enough, no need to disable the whole extension), there is no hang 15:24:34 wonder what's the interaction that triggers the hang 15:27:04 did you check the browser console too? 15:27:29 (just asking, as there are two different consoles and it's possible stuff will show in one but not in the other) 15:49:10 well, there is a very small window between opening Get Addons and getting the hang, so will try that next 15:49:17 --time window 15:49:35 also it seems Redirector offers a "debug output" checkbox on its settings, wonder what it does...