tommanforums.lenovo.com/topic/view/15195/5113258 another victim of unhealty JS bloat
tommanthe "loading" spinner never goes away on Lenovo forums (but you can scroll and read stuff!)
tommanthe JS console is full of... piles and piles of vomit, yet I don't see any of the usual Chromeisms
tommanaside of a couple of undefined/null variables
tomman...why webpages do need "Loading" animations?! isn't the work of the User Agent to provide those anyway?
tomman..no, wait, I've already commited that sin in the past, but that's because AJAX
tommanin any case, your script dies and I'm stuck with a permanent "loading, please wait until you or your hardware die" overlay...
McIand back now
njsgtomman: pile on top of that the whole "lazyloading" thing
njsgwhy couldn't it just be designed and used as an opt-in backwards-compatible thing?
njsgbut then this is the same arena where defaults are changed in standards after they're published
frg_AwayIanN_Away Linux versions have the wrong channel set: release instead of beta!
tommanhuh, found that one of my addons (Redirector) hangs SeaMonkey at 100% CPU when I open the addon manager, but only if I go to Get Addons
tommanno script warnings, no nada
tommanit just hogs forever
tommanif I disable Redirector (from its settings is enough, no need to disable the whole extension), there is no hang
tommanwonder what's the interaction that triggers the hang
njsgdid you check the browser console too?
njsg(just asking, as there are two different consoles and it's possible stuff will show in one but not in the other)
tommanwell, there is a very small window between opening Get Addons and getting the hang, so will try that next
tomman--time window
tommanalso it seems Redirector offers a "debug output" checkbox on its settings, wonder what it does...