therubeon my end, Win7, FF 99 is extremely slow to start up - compared to FF 98 & earlier
therubeSafe Mode is faster, but it's hard to say if it might be "pre-loading" or not ? because even though you supply a -safe-mode command line switch, it STILL prompts you with a dialog box with an Open button before FF actually loads. (now isn't that smart)
therubedisabling hardware acceleration makes no difference
frg_Awaytherube wrong channel :)
therubeyeah, i know. just babbling...
frg_Awaytherube With webrender they are now running into probably every driver issue which exists so make sure you have the latest drivers.
frg_AwayI also think I saw a new Intel block for HD 3000 or earlier but that was for 8.1 if I am not mistaken.
therubegfx.webrender.all, true or false, makes no difference.
therubethis contraption here has Intel HD 4000 (& or, maybe, not sure, AMD HD 7650A)
therubeabout:support indicates its using hd4000
frg_Awaytherube was for 100 not 99: Bug 1761332
frg_AwayBug 1760464 and also 8 not 7
therubefrg_Away: nightly (101a) loads fine. suggestion as to what i might tweak for 99 ?
therubefission.autostart;false did not help.
frg_Awaytherube I do not have a recent Firefox installed. Only version from our 2.53 tree for a/b testing. Sorry can't help. That was the only bug I noticed.
therubeoops. i was wrong (or it changed). FF nightly too is slow to start up.
therubemedia.gmp-gmpopenh264 got "installed" between "then" & now.
therubeno difference.
frg_Awaytherube well I rather turn the "helpful" new features off which now pop up with every new version of CrEdge. At least I know this one is crap but at least it works with incompatible sites.
frg_Awaytherube I also saw an awful lot of patches for pushing advertizing stuff to raise money and experiments. Didn't look a the details. Check if some system add-ons or other stuff gobbles up network bandwidth at start to populate the newtab crap.
therubeyeah, i believe i turned all that crap off, from the get-go (using new profiles all around)
frg_AwayBill did an early 2.53.13b1 pre build today so if you have a website which is broken because of the missing nullish coalesce operator support (??) in earlier versions please test.
WG9sbuilds are at ftp.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/nightly like it says in the topic.