14:01:03 scops: hi 16:08:39 You can't be idle? What are the other 50 participants doing? 16:09:03 Welcome back! 17:01:51 17:02:10 ping ewong, frg, IanN, Kairo[m], njsg, rsx11m, stefanh, tomman, tonymec, WG9s 17:02:23 Well, let's start! 17:02:26 17:02:35 For going to lunch break each Mozilla employee must open a correspond bugzilla ticket. The bug number must be reported at checkout (possibly using QR code). 17:02:35 In comments they should indicate menu, selected ingredients and their food impressions. When the digestion process is over, the bug should bе CLOSED WORKSFORME. 17:02:38 17:03:09 WTF? Can you stop that BS please? 17:03:39 People ask why Mozilla products are distributed with a form of one language per package only. The answer is resources. 17:03:39 When managers see, say, 100 different packages, they have a reason to allocate the appropriate amount of CPU time, energy costs and so on. But in reality, the compilation occurs only once, and then for each the lang just a fast repack performed. 17:03:39 All the remaining allocated CPU time is hiddenly used for crypto mining. 17:03:39 But this does not mean that developers deceivе managers. All together deceive tax service regarding the justification of the costs incurred. 17:03:43 17:04:11 OK, I'm reporting this account as a spammer 17:04:29 KaiRo[m]: thanks 17:10:01 KaiRo[m]: had it not been April foos day i would hav e done a kick/.b in 17:10:35 kick ban 17:11:08 this could just be someone still on his st paddy;s day drunk 17:11:26 i think the internet is playing games today. getting intermittent 'This Connection is Untrusted' messages. 17:12:16 Sure, I was wondering for a bit as well, but starting with a mass-ping and then just rambling off things that aren't even funny but sound half-way like the SeaMonkey community wants to attack Mozilla employees, then that's not OK even on this day. 17:13:07 no need to submit anything, nor close a Bug, as all is already known - via TELEMETRY! 17:18:10 LIke I said, had it not ben April 1 I would have done a kcik/ban but figured it was someone had too much to drink and thought this ws funny. so just a kick to let him know this behavior is not tolerated here.