WaltS48darktrojan should join the Thunderbird channel. :)
frg_AwayWaltS48 did I miss some daily Mozilla and stuff soap?
WaltS48frg_Away: Not that I am aware of.
frg_AwayWlatS48 yeah thought so but not subscribed to the TB channel either :)
WaltS48You would think a TB dev might be. Only 25 participants and I talk to myself there often, when testing TB candidates. It's a lonely task.
frg_AwayWaltS48 With some mozilla devs at least I sometime think all they look at is telemetry and users are just the relatives from the wrong side of the track :) Wasn't the same with TB a few years ago but mostly stick to the SeaMonkey side now.
WG9sexactly thy look at telemetry which I look at like the evil empire. firstly i donlt want people collecting data abo ut what I am doing and the scond issue is most of the rescent bugs seem to have to do with tlelmetry issues.
WG9sneeds to have a new optoon to turn off both data collection and date reporting for tlemetry
WG9sand should be the defualt this should be opt in n ot have to opt ouyt
darktrojan[m]<WaltS48> "darktrojan should join the..." <- what am I missing out on?
frg_AwayNothing I think. Seems just to miss a dev or so in the chanlle during testing.
WG9s+ oh i thought ti was Chenille
WG9sperhaps with the captain
WG9sThat was a Captain and Chenille joke!