gryapparently firefox deleted yandex and mail.ru from its bookmarks or search engines in the latest release
gryclearly they think allowing dissent and freedom of information is not very good
GrannyGoosegry, i dont blame Moziolla for taking anything Russian out of there Browser, i dont support Russia in killing innocent people
tommancode.mendhak.com/opinionated-frameworks this "opinionated software" crapola is going too far
tommanwhere is my "opinionated web browser"?!
gryGrannyGoose: there is a fruit basket. Some fruits from it decided to do an evil (for example, spread a desease). Does it mean all fruits are infected? No, it doesn't.
GrannyGoosethe way i look at it, Putin should be Killed
GrannyGoosealong with his Government
Myckeljust got your mail.
MyckelCurrently building mozilla-central_564433
MyckelWent through the patch this morning.