tommananother victim of pointless Googleisms: Pixiv
tommancan't login anymore with a Pixiv account
tomman(it now wants a Google/Apple/Facebook/Twitter account. WHY!?)
tommanbut if you switch the page language to Japanese, you get a classic logon box for use with your Pixiv account
tomman...except that this now requires Google WebComponents™
tommanTypeError: window.customElements is undefined
tommanwhile I like that Japan is finally moving away from 1997 in terms of web design, it's horrible that they're embracing Chromeisms :/
tommanthat's not very Japanese, if you know that people
tomman...ah, wait, the logon form seems to do something
tommanI put in my ID and password, and... get rejected with a "Invalid Request" response from their server (HTTP 400 with some JSON telling me that)
tommanthe credentials are sent to accounts.pixiv.net/api/login?lang=undefined => wait, what
tomman> lang=undefined
tommanuh... that's not OK
tommanalso: clicking the password reset link sends me to pixiv.com/undefined which doesn't exist
tommanso yeah, they went full Chrome :/
njsgtomman: which version of SeaMonkey?
njsgthis mangled javascript is so readable that I wonder what was so bad about spaghetti code
tommannjsg: latest stable 2.3.11