01:43:36 buc got it. Will take a look after sleep. 01:45:13 Anyone on Mint 20.2 or Ubuntu 20.04 and using beta 2.53.11b1? I am seeing crashes after the latest round of updates to kernel 5.4.100 in about:support but this is in a vbox vm and might caused by buggy guest additions. Fixed by disabling hardware acceleration for now. 02:41:03 WG9s: « The connection was refused when attempting to contact www.wg9s.com. » I waited about an hour and tried again but no luck. 02:42:11 so, i am still getting lots of unwanted options passed to 'as', specifically when assembling xpcom/reflect/xptcall/md/unix/xptcinvoke_asm_ppc_linux.S 02:42:26 gnu as is getting passed ' -DSTATIC_EXPORTABLE_JS_API -DMOZ_HAS_MOZGLUE -DMOZILLA_INTERNAL_API -DIMPL_LIBXUL' 02:42:37 none of which are things I want in an assembler command line 02:43:00 and I can't figure out how the xul flags are getting lumped into ASFLAGS 02:56:08 (or SFLAGS) 03:10:48 and I tried to make it use yasm like recommended - it didn't even seem to obey my 'AS' variable set in mozconfig 04:12:45 now with yasm: yasm: FATAL: unrecognized object format `PIC' 04:13:08 so i'm pretty sure there's actually something wrong with the build system when it comes to these ppc assemblies 04:13:43 nasm is indeed x86 only 10:19:19 Hello, I have ChatZilla installed. I know that `seamonkey -browser` opens a new browser window and `seamonkey -mail` opens a new mail&news window. Is there an option to open a chatzilla window? 10:19:34 (I tried -chatzilla and -irc, both opens a new browser window) 10:30:09 seninha: does -chat work? 10:30:29 it does, thanks! 12:49:39 frg: Do you mean that crashes only happen with 2.53.11b1, and they don't with <= 2.53.10 ? If yes, what is your HW_COMPOSITING in about:support ? 12:57:04 buc I was unable to reproduce initally with but I identified the problem. It is bug 1743551. Nothing we can do. This needs to be fixed by Ubuntu / Mint. They are shipping a faulty libX11. Disabling hardware acceleration is a workaround. 2.53.11 has some new event code from Fx 57 and beyond and I suspect this triggers it. Patch seems to be stuck in limbo since August: https://launchpad.ne 12:57:05 t/ubuntu/+source/libx11/2:1.6.9-2ubuntu1.3 12:57:18 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libx11/2:1.6.9-2ubuntu1.3 13:01:27 buc about:support is what actually crashes btw :) But only if it is the only tab in the browser. Opening as a second one works. 13:26:05 frg: Fedora is OK, but formally CentOs'es have libX11 < 1.7.0 . "2.53.11 has some new event code from Fx 57 and beyond and I suspect this triggers it" -- any commits/bug numbers known for this? 13:33:12 buc CentOS 7 is fine. Ubuntu 20.04 was also fine till I updated yesterday. First tested on the old level and then crashed after update to latest X11. 13:41:12 buc The event queue stuff was added in Bug 1390044. But first disabled. Need to check the bug which enabled it. Needed as a prerequsite for global events unless I/we want to rebase the world/rewrite the code. 13:44:48 frg: "then crashed after update to latest X11" -- but it seems that an update of libX11 (>= 1.7.0) should fix the issue instead... 13:45:08 ...a regression. 13:49:44 buc yes or the fix in the ubuntu queue. Bug 1399035 enabled it permanently. Need to check if setting this to false avoids the crash. Just only a hunch right now. 13:52:29 It might be a problem, as I believe there are enough SM users using fairly old distributions. Forcing them to upgrade their OS is the same as "switch to Chrome" . 13:53:09 Nope does not help. 13:54:37 Even disabling hardware acceleation is 50/50 only. 13:57:14 buc I can't help it. It might actually be a problem in Virtualbox only. Asked in the support group if someone can test it on real hardware. My openSUSE ios not affected and centOS 7 is fine too. 13:58:37 frg: Well, at least with HW acceleration whether about:support crashes reliably? 14:08:15 buc yes with it enabled goes down every time. Just tested Rocky 8 and it works there too out of the box. 14:24:24 Well Rocky 8 with latest guest additions and 3D enabled is fine. I suspect fedora will be the same. So for now I think Ubuntu 20 maybe 18 too based problem only. 18:02:27 frg: How do you toggle HW acceleration? MOZ_ACCELERATED=1 or "layers.acceleration.force-enabled: pref? Or it is kinda system-wide acceleration? 18:04:41 buc Need to check the code in preferences. Even then it crashes now and then in the affected vms when you use about:support. 18:05:51 Sets layers.acceleration.disabled 18:05:53 https://searchfox.org/comm-esr60/source/mail/components/preferences/advanced.xul#263 18:06:40 Just tested the i686 version under 16.04 and ok there. 18:07:12 But under Linux hs acceleration seems to be disabled by default "by platform" anyway. 18:08:42 I mean HW_COMPOSITING and "Compositing: OpenGL vs. Basic" in about:support (top and bottom of the Graphics section). 18:10:19 "HW_COMPOSITING" -- "blocked by default: Acceleration blocked by platform", but can enable it manually (either by the pref or the environ). 18:14:08 buc yes. All I can say is that it is flaky. Now about:support just worked again as second tab with Bills build. They need to ship the fix. Nothing we can do. 18:14:09 https://paste.debian.net/1231779/ 18:14:58 Have not gotten any confirmation if real hardware is affected so far. 18:20:28 frg: If you still have a reliable reproducible case, could you pls check whether toggling "gfx.xrender.enable" to true affect the issue? 18:21:12 "gfx.xrender.enabled" 18:27:05 buc crashes when set to false (default) and also when true 18:27:26 Thnx 18:28:33 totally flaky Open it in a second tab works. Press reload ... bang 18:49:28 BTW libX11 was fixed in Fedora more than year ago: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1758384 18:56:04 Interesting that fixed in RHEL/CentOS-8, but not in RHEL/CentOS-7 . Seems only Fedora users complained at all (not CentOS). 18:56:48 Well, lets hope that old distros are unlikely to be affected, and new distros already updated libX11. "Closed Cantfix" :) 19:00:47 buc CentOS 7 seems to work fine so older distros seem not to be affected. Probably very timing dependent too. 19:04:59 buc updated TOP-9999999-fixgithubpolyfill-25312.patch with your latest fix in github 2.53 21:11:43 The test http://wpt.live/intersection-observer/isIntersecting-change-events.html was fixed by the bug 1391154 (5 OK), our fixes for github revert it to a previous state "2 OK 1 FAIL" (as in Hope it is acceptable, since formally we are more in line with the specs than WPT and Chrome. :) 21:16:11 buc I can live with it. Started to fix tests in the last releases basically to see if js engine changes break things. Lots of broken stuff left outside js because of bad rebases and missing stuff. But I don't care about wpt tests. Need to draw a line. 22:15:13 buc: as far as wpt tests go I can count the number of times the wpt tests have been updated to a new version without issues (because they evidently really don't test things) on the fingers of zero hands! 22:17:20 WG9s_: just wanted to find at least some test that would show the changes made to the code. :)