seninhahello, how can I set the command used for the new message notifications?
seninhaIn my system I do not have dbus or libnotify. But I wrote a command that, when invoked, pops up a little window.
seninhaI want to use this command instead of seamonkey's native notification
seninhaHi, I was out for some time. I asked a question about whether it is possible to replace SeaMonkey's native notification with an external command.
frg_Awayseninha This is probably not possible so easy and needs and add-on and/or replacement of parts of the shell service. At least over my paygrade but someone else might know more.
seninhaI tried this add-on, but it did not work at all: addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/seamonkey/addon/gnotifier
seninhaIt has an option to use a custom command for notifications.
seninhabut did not work, unfortunately
frg_Awayseninha: In Linux environment, GNotifier entirely relies on libnotify library, so if libnotify is not present in your system, it will not work.
seninhai see
tommanoh joy, the former Toshiba laptop driver download page won't work if you nerf the trackers: support.dynabook.com/support/modelH…me?freeText=1200006797&osId=3333785
tomman"pageTracker is undefined"
tommaneasy workaround: just define a dummy pageTracker object, with a single function
tommanpageTracker._trackEvent = function () {console.log("foo");}
tommanTHEN Toshiba, er, "Dynabook" will let you download drivers
tommanreminder for myself to never ever buy a Toshiba/Dynabook laptop EVER
seninhabtw, is there any μmatrix-like extension for seamonkey?
njsgseninha: there's µmatrix, I think
njsgor wait, is it µBlock?
njsgah, I guess I was thinking about something different, sorry