hrosikhi, is there a mbox -> maildir transition guide for SM somewhere?
frg_Awayhrosik maildir is still not supported.
hrosikfrg_Away: ? TB has had it since ~60, I thought we were there already...
hrosikfrg_Away: is it in the pipelin / looking for helping hand?
frg_Awayhrosik I think everything important up to 60 and more is in but there are still issues. As far as I know it is not even enabled now as default but might be wrong here. Was not the default for 78 for sure.
frg_AwayAs for helping hands needs patches backported to our 2.53 branch.
hrosikok, I've noticed someone saying somewhere in the internet (sic! :)) claiming he has been running with MD for over a year without problems :)
frg_Awayhrosik still open: Bug 845952
hrosikok, I'll see if it still there in a couple of months :)
» hrosik still hopes that's the time frame he will have a bit more time
hrosik^^^ although it's more of the coldfusion type ("in 15-20 years we'll have it" being repeated for the last half century) ;)
frg_Awayhrosik as usual works most of the time but not 100%. Given that I ran into trouble with mbox lately too happy to have this. Anyone porting fixes to the 2.53 line is welcome.
frg_Awayhrosik Yeahh not enough people around for SeaMonkey and TB seems to be on the lets convert everything to web stuff path. So some errors fixed and more new...
hrosikfrg_Away: well, that's repeated story: give people a tool to mess up something and they will use it in ways previous unimaginable...