16:36:03 MS seems to be on drugs but at least SeaMonkey starts: https://ibb.co/G3Xgcpg 16:36:49 If you think that 10 is bad wait till you see this mess :) There was a time when I enjoyed trying new stuff... 16:37:36 frg_Away: are these rounded window corners what I'm seeing there!? 16:37:52 tomman yes 16:38:05 wtf Microsoft, WHY!??! 16:41:49 It looks like a cheap mac clone and lost about 50% of the settings. The taskbar is basically unusable. No grouping options no showing all icons and the start menu is now even worse. Will see if open shell menu works after backing up the vm. 16:42:18 But you can still update from 7 for free with a gatherostate xml file. 16:43:12 Windows Home now needs an MS account too but I only ever used Pro anyway. 18:06:24 actually no, rounded windows corners was Windows XP 18:47:36 OK, I'll give you that... but XP only had TWO rounded corners (at the titlebar ends), and you could turn them off (by switching to Windows Classic theme) 18:48:18 but back then, "tacky and colorful skins" were trendy. Nowadays everything is "the gospel according to Saint Apple" 18:49:17 at least 20 years ago you could switch skins at will (even on cellphones, mind you - Motorola and Nokia were doing that as soon as 2003), but nowadays? 18:49:36 reminds me of https://stopthemingmy.app/