04:46:05 Hi! 04:51:12 Any knowledge what has happened to usenet servers aioe.org and albasani.net? 05:42:34 you'll find a lot of servers would have Merged 07:24:49 Rainer_Bielefeld: albasani went down a long time ago because of hardware failure - or was it available again meanwhile? 19:10:05 JobBautista[m]: so I have anew paln to mke this so much simpler will zip up after the build step before the stripis done and provide that as well as the packaged up stipped version so eaiser if you need the symbols and smaller if you don;t seems the best of both worlds and less work for me and less work for you to try to figure out how to apply the symbols files. 19:11:04 besides getting arond issues of stupid people aplhying a symbols file that is not same version as the binary file 19:11:38 so in the symbols directoy will be linux version with full debug symbols 19:14:11 so gets you waht you want easier for you easier for me. trying to figure out what to do with the symobls files is not as easy as it should be they seem more what crashreporter wants that what can be used for local debugging. 23:07:09 https://retrocgads.tumblr.com/image/663553593320898560 moar regex unfun 23:07:17 > SyntaxError: invalid identity escape in regular expression main-3a720cb9.js:1:406135 23:07:25 zoom does not work on that page 23:07:31 wonder what's the regex this time... 23:07:40 ...this: h=new RegExp("(?:\\p{RI}\\p{RI}|\\p{Emoji}(?:\\p{Emoji_Modifier}|\\u{FE0F}\\u{20E3}?|[\\u{E0020}-\\u{E007E}]+\\u{E007F})?(?:\\u{200D}\\p{Emoji}(?:\\p{Emoji_Modifier}|\\u{FE0F}\\u{20E3}?|[\\u{E0020}-\\u{E007E}]+\\u{E007F})?)*)|[\\u{1f900}-\\u{1f9ff}\\u{2600}-\\u{26ff}\\u{2700}-\\u{27bf}]","gu") 23:08:04 I... don't understand, all I see is more emoji garbage 23:08:44 but I guess the answer still boils down to "wait until the new regex engine gets merged" 23:08:58 yepp :) 23:09:00 still, what *exactly* does that regex do?! 23:09:22 (and why zoom breaks due to emoji regex garbage!?) 23:11:48 Needs a better coder to explain it I suspect. regexp and me are not friends. Started too late with this stuff and one of the areas I am blank and need to constantly look it up. 23:12:16 to be friends of regexp requires a certain degree of insanity 23:12:42 which sadly I don't possess, either 23:21:15 I wonder if it is used to extractmatches emojis 23:22:08 but I'm slightly too tired to try to parse that right now; tired as illustrated by "extractmatches"... 23:22:22 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43242440/javascript-unicode-emoji-regular-expressions/68146409#68146409 23:35:23 wonderful, Unicode regex abuse 23:36:12 and it's this, I guess? https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/#property_syntax