pandakekok9hi, WG9s 2.53.10b1pre builds don't include crash symbols for some reason. shouldn't those nightly builds have debug symbols included?
WG9spandakekok9: I just added --disable-install-strip which it appears should correct this
WG9spandakekok9: if that does not work I will backport bug 1667170 which changes things so that only PGO and Android builds are stripped by default
pandakekok9WG9s: thanks
WG9sbut it appears that at 2.53 time if you do a mch package it strips the binaries
pandakekok9I see. I wonder how the official beta builds package the build without stripping the crash symbols...
WG9swhich platform are you asking about?
WG9sOK I think IanN does those. I will ask him for a copy of the mozconfig
WG9sI set it to build 2.57 this morning to see if the mozzconfig change corrects the issue if it does not I will try also adding --disable-strip
WG9sfrom the code in toolkit/moz.configure it appears that setting --disable-install-strip implies --disable-strip also
WG9sif the 2.57 build ends up with an unstripped binary i will set by automated builds to run evn if no changes to the patch queue
WG9sperhaps i shuld alter it to build if the mozconfig file is newer than the currently osted binary
WG9sanyway i just pupdated all of my mozconfig files for 2.53 and 2.57 to inlcude both the --enable-debug-symbols and --disable-install-strip seems bug 1667170 fixes all of this by only doing a strip by default on PGO enabled builds so that develpoper builds do not strip binaries
frg_Awaytomman the .params in the chatzilla.properties file are now localizable but got a new name helpUsage. See Bug 1724105. If not the default is en-US which is probably fine too for most languages.
tommanfrg_Away: nice~