16:53:32 Is SeaMonkey 2.53.1 is the last revision supporting NPAPI plugins? 17:28:44 nostalgia: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.49.5/ is the last for NPAPI 17:29:43 therube, thanks for that 17:29:59 nostalgia: actually, Flash was still working in 2.53.1 17:31:18 2.53.6 was the final version that supported Flash 17:32:11 I am mostly looking for Shockwave support, but thanks for pointing that bit out 19:21:46 nostalgia: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=27354 19:44:18 wow, Shockwave 19:44:27 haven't heard that name in quite some years 19:44:38 my old Windows Me box hated it :/ 20:16:29 therube, thank you again! I use Pale Moon right now but its buggy at best in Wine, I remember Seamonkey working with little to no issue 20:17:04 tomman, haha there are still a small group of us hacking on Director and various games authored in Macromedia Director :P 20:18:32 nostalgia: awesome 20:18:43 wonder how those games would be preserved 20:19:01 https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/ 20:19:20 This would cover most offline games 20:19:26 I am focused on multiplayer ones 20:20:19 iiiinteresting 20:20:41 it seems it covers other failed/obscure plugins 20:20:46 I can also remember VRML 20:23:30 Flashpoint is a rather brilliant project 20:24:40 I believe Internet Archive also has an experimental fork of Ruffle (Flash emulator) that they are using to keep Flash content alive via webassembly 20:25:42 yeah, I'm aware of Ruffle 22:34:50 Status meeting notes are up: 22:34:51 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-09-05 22:34:53 https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=SeaMonkey%2FStatusMeetings%2F2021-09-05&type=revision&diff=1237900&oldid=1237785