nostalgiaIs SeaMonkey 2.53.1 is the last revision supporting NPAPI plugins?
therubenostalgia: ftp.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.49.5 is the last for NPAPI
nostalgiatherube, thanks for that
therubenostalgia: actually, Flash was still working in 2.53.1
therube2.53.6 was the final version that supported Flash
nostalgiaI am mostly looking for Shockwave support, but thanks for pointing that bit out
tommanwow, Shockwave
tommanhaven't heard that name in quite some years
tommanmy old Windows Me box hated it :/
nostalgiatherube, thank you again! I use Pale Moon right now but its buggy at best in Wine, I remember Seamonkey working with little to no issue
nostalgiatomman, haha there are still a small group of us hacking on Director and various games authored in Macromedia Director :P
tommannostalgia: awesome
tommanwonder how those games would be preserved
nostalgiaThis would cover most offline games
nostalgiaI am focused on multiplayer ones
tommanit seems it covers other failed/obscure plugins
tommanI can also remember VRML
nostalgiaFlashpoint is a rather brilliant project
nostalgiaI believe Internet Archive also has an experimental fork of Ruffle (Flash emulator) that they are using to keep Flash content alive via webassembly
tommanyeah, I'm aware of Ruffle
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