09:15:36 * bittin did some more Swedish Seamonkey translation today 10:51:58 https://github.com/etherdream/web2img speaking of dumb ideas 10:52:09 it requires Service Workers 10:52:26 at first I thought "oh no, no more Chromeisms, please" 10:52:55 but actually this API has been supported for ages in Mozilla 10:53:14 ...yet it's disabled on some ESR releases 10:53:30 does SeaMonkey even ship with Service Workers support enabled? 10:54:29 oh, turns out it's behind about:config 10:56:24 and indeed, after toggling dom.serviceWorkers.enabled, the demo site works 10:56:27 for the lulz, of course! 10:56:58 js-backed steganography? 10:58:14 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28431716 relevant thread, or "for once, some Hackernews JS abuse that isn't being used for evil... yet?" 10:58:49 it's depressing to read that half of the comemnts are "people that disable JavaScript are _weird_" 11:00:00 that's redundant, it's implied by the hostname in the URL :-P 11:14:00 serviveworkers need more fixes to be at the first draft at least so arer still disabled. I think mozilla enabled them in 60. Not that far way and on the "near" list. Did modules first with the current release. 11:16:45 about:serviceworkers shows what is going on when enabled. Personally I dislike them. More shady stuff in the background. Web workers were a bit more tied to the website imho. 11:43:19 interesting enough, Safari doesn't support Service Workers