» bittin did some more Swedish Seamonkey translation today
tommangithub.com/etherdream/web2img speaking of dumb ideas
tommanit requires Service Workers
tommanat first I thought "oh no, no more Chromeisms, please"
tommanbut actually this API has been supported for ages in Mozilla
tomman...yet it's disabled on some ESR releases
tommandoes SeaMonkey even ship with Service Workers support enabled?
tommanoh, turns out it's behind about:config
tommanand indeed, after toggling dom.serviceWorkers.enabled, the demo site works
tommanfor the lulz, of course!
njsgjs-backed steganography?
tommannews.ycombinator.com/item?id=28431716 relevant thread, or "for once, some Hackernews JS abuse that isn't being used for evil... yet?"
tommanit's depressing to read that half of the comemnts are "people that disable JavaScript are _weird_"
njsgthat's redundant, it's implied by the hostname in the URL :-P
frg_Awayserviveworkers need more fixes to be at the first draft at least so arer still disabled. I think mozilla enabled them in 60. Not that far way and on the "near" list. Did modules first with the current release.
frg_Awayabout:serviceworkers shows what is going on when enabled. Personally I dislike them. More shady stuff in the background. Web workers were a bit more tied to the website imho.
tommaninteresting enough, Safari doesn't support Service Workers