11:18:10 I was wanting to read the goings on from the seamonkey devs online meeting last night/yesterday but, not seeing a direct link to them in the IRC page header, I tried clicking on the URL link (irc://irc.libera.chat/SeaMonkey) at the top of this screen, hoping it might take me somewhere close .... but nothing happened!! 11:18:11 So 1. Clicking on that link should do something, shouldn't it?? and, 11:18:13 2. Where might I look up what happened on this IRC channel last night/yesterday?? 11:25:07 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-09-05 11:40:24 that is an IRC link and will only take you to this channel 11:40:47 if you're seeing that address/link when seeing this channel, that's just the client showing the URL for the current channel 11:41:56 there's a logbot, but what was its address? 12:30:29 Maniel: Bookmark https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings and you will have access to them all. The most recent meetings notes take a bit of time to get posted. 12:31:03 The log is at https://ircbot.comm-central.org:8080/seamonkey/ 12:37:00 WaltS48: ... but wasn't there (used to be!!) somewhere that we could go to which showed the conversation as it was carried out HERE in irc, not the 'Published' minutes?? i.e., if I wanted to check what 12:37:18 I posted here last Wednesday?? 12:40:09 I'm not familar with cZ. That would be Previous Conversations in TB, but it doen't incude anything if you aren't connected. So, you quit chat after the meeting started and wouldn't see the conversation. 12:40:29 It will be at the log link I posted. 14:25:35 WaltS48: Yes, sorry, Walt, I missed your second link. That is what I want, thank you. ;-)