09:03:21 IanN_Away: please excuse my absence at the meeting later today: I'll be at my grandniece's birthday feast, without a computer. 09:06:50 tonymec|away: not an issue, enjoy yourself 11:31:16 anyone seen or heard from buc? 11:49:53 GrannyGoose I think he is around but not much here. 13:35:19 Meeting starts in 25 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-09-05 13:51:08 Meeting starts in 9 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-09-05 13:56:43 hi all 13:59:33 good morning! 14:00:00 (afternoon, evening, ...) 14:00:25 rsx11m Hi 14:01:20 Hello SeaMonkey world! :) 14:01:39 Hi WaltS48 from the other side. 14:01:40 Meeting time - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-09-05 14:02:10 hi rsx11m, njsg and WaltS48 14:02:32 Who's taking minutes? 14:02:45 me and probably late again :) 14:03:35 thanks 14:03:58 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank? 14:04:29 ewong and WG9s to provide some "nightly" builds for bisectiong problems. 14:04:31 https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/nightly/ 14:05:35 seconded 14:06:40 thirded 14:07:19 Hi WG9s 14:08:23 Action Items 14:08:26 hi WG9s 14:09:59 Nothing new from me. Going thru older issues and see that the to do list does not grow but not arrived at freenode enhancements yet. 14:12:00 thanks 14:12:23 Status of the SeaMonkey Infrastructure 14:13:15 As discussed we need to get onto gcc 7.1 for the official i686 builds. 14:14:14 Not official infra but Bill is now able to upload nightly builds and does it. 14:18:03 ewong is working on the crash reporting servers 14:18:17 I've got to sort some certs out for him 14:18:28 Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree 14:20:15 All building. I am trying to find a inore regression in 2.53.9. Images on www.tagesschau.de are not shown. Other than that lots of stuff did go in. Prefs updated. 14:21:37 ^minor regression 14:23:28 Release Train 14:24:59 Lots of l10n changes in 2.53.10 and some outstanding reviews because of this frg slacker. I think will be a while. 78.14 is out Tuesday but not seen much changes. Maybe do a if a critical sec backport is needed. 14:27:10 plenty of fun and games to be had 14:27:22 I am sorry but did not much syncing with 2.57. It is either 2.53 all the other sutff and life or 2.57 and some less of the other stuff. 14:27:32 * WaltS48 hasn't tested 78.14 yet. 14:29:58 and we want to get crash servers available for testing on 2.53.10b1 ideally 14:30:40 Yes 14:32:48 hi ewx! 8-) 14:33:02 Hi ewx 14:33:04 rsx11m: Hi ! 14:33:08 frg howdy! 14:33:12 hiya ewx 14:33:16 did I make it to the meeting? 14:33:20 IanN howdy! 14:33:27 ewx half an hour late :) 14:33:31 ewx: yes 14:33:34 but yes 14:33:35 Oh buggered the hello 14:33:38 s/o// 14:33:52 in my defense.. had some stuff to do :) 14:33:59 Extensions Tracking 14:34:16 Lots of changes for cZ 14:34:58 Might switch 2.53 language packs to web ext next. Not directly extensions but a bit. 14:35:36 WG9s: howdy! 14:37:54 sorry dingbthis from mybiphonecand wen it locks the connectio drops 14:40:33 2.Next, Feature List, Planning & Roundtable 14:41:46 The lack of the optional chaning operator is becoming a problem. Want to look into it but not sure if it will be trivial. Needs parser changes among other things. 14:42:07 Other than that bau 14:43:36 ewx: anything you want to mention on the infra work? 14:44:27 ^chaining operator 14:44:30 IanN going to bring the crash-upload system to beta ( :P) mode..well.. alpha mode.. so thanks for reminding me.. need to ping frg on getting a new binary built 14:44:47 That will cost you :) 14:44:49 ewx: I still need to sort your certs too 14:45:01 ... nothing 14:45:16 IanN right.. just still setting up the system .. 14:45:32 frg: will pm you on the domain 14:45:56 ewx no problem. 14:50:01 AOB? 14:50:20 nope 14:50:52 nope 14:51:15 okay, thanks for your time today, next meeting is in 2 weeks time, same bat channel, same bat time 14:51:46 5 + 14 = 19th 14:52:24 See ya! I'll be coming and going, on and off. 14:52:30 rsx11m no 4 +15 I think 14:52:50 * rsx11m checks the calendar 14:53:01 * njsg checks cal(1) 14:53:36 I would go for 3+ 16 too. Results count! 14:53:39 * rsx11m wouldn't mind adding a half day to each week ... 14:53:42 GNU date might actually have something for this 14:54:41 =TODAY()+14 14:55:04 ah well :-D $ date --date="fortnight" 14:56:03 * rsx11m wonders if any package defines that constant 14:56:29 * IanN wonders too 14:56:38 maybe biweekly? 14:58:03 too simple... ;-p 14:59:12 42 ! 14:59:25 that's life 14:59:34 or six weeks 14:59:41 = 3 fortnights 15:01:14 1.5 Februraries 15:02:43 ok, bye then :-) 15:02:53 c u rsx11m 15:04:36 bye rsx11m 15:23:17 time for bed.. g'nigth all 15:23:41 nighty night ewong 15:23:54 nn ewx