18:04:17 dropbox may have stopped working in SeaMonkey? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t54p9igdwvllbpl/AADKyWpaFnIhdyosxyP5d3_xa?dl=0 18:04:19 not particularly concerned & no time to investigate presently. 18:04:20 this would be a relatively... hmm... i also did updates SM, 20210829222501 18:04:22 anyhow, i would have been there about 10 days ago, & at that time it was working 18:04:23 so not sure if this a change at dropbox or something with a later SM build ? 18:06:21 works in 2.53.9... 18:07:22 works in .10 pre 1. so it must be something in my existing Profile. wonder what? 18:09:02 Well it is google you never know :) .10 has a few more fixes but don't remember anything significant. Mostly some groundwork for latter stuff. The only regression I am trying to track down are missing images on www.tagesschau.de. Everything else seems peachy. 18:09:30 OK, forget all that! Simply silly of me. NoScript originally only showed 'dropbox.com' & i missed that once that was allowed, i needed dropboxstatic.com too. dumy :-) ! 18:10:50 therube Well these sites tend to work one minute and the next a supa dupa update using experimental js or whatever by the owner breaks the world. 18:11:35 oh and dropbox is not google I mixed it up. 18:11:47 But not much better. 18:41:23 they could be doing A/B testing with the latest Google shiny :/ 18:41:45 therube: remember: in SV they only know a single browser maker AND API provider, and that's Google 18:42:22 speaking about Googleisms, my Ruffle bugreport on getting it to work with the polyfills on not-Google-blessed browsers is languishing 18:42:23 Or Safari, perhaps 18:42:33 I guess it depends on whether your device comes with pre-bitten fruit 18:42:34 but who is supposed to remember when it's user error ;-) 18:42:43 to be fair, SV hates Safari with a passion 18:42:50 it's only popular because iOS 18:43:02 I thought they loved apple because it's apple! 18:43:09 the day Apple gets forced to accept 3rd-party browsers on iOS, it's IE all over again 18:43:13 Or is Ycombinator not near SV? :-P 18:43:30 shhh, don't tell mean things about Apple on Hackernews! 18:43:38 tomman: no, it won't be "IE all over again" 18:43:44 tomman: 'cuz of course it'll be "iE all over again" 18:43:57 I see what you did there~ 18:44:17 but I guess now it'll be iDge 18:44:55 why I did read that as iDoge? :D 18:46:11 https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle/issues/5118 to recap: I found a bug, I think "maybe there is a low hanging fruit there" 18:46:22 they say "we don't test on polyfills" and threaten with using more Googleisms 18:46:43 I say "well, the polyfills ARE made by Google, and they still support them, so what features do you need?" 18:46:48 they say: *crickets* 18:47:23 Oh, and "well, our workaround is falling back onto NPAPI" 18:47:25 :facepalm: