02:58:51 Oh, cZ finally has a network editor after all these years 02:58:52 COOL! 02:59:02 now finally I can give Rizon the respect it deserves~ 10:49:11 its me again, the cry baby... i now got 2.53.1 installed. the only 2.53 version running on my old debian 8. and i do not upgrade my system yet! 10:49:37 its working.... BUT, it will autoupdate, and this breaks everything up in my system, ... i dont explain. 10:49:46 i roll backl using a backup copy of seamonkey folder. 10:50:24 where exactly is the option to DISABLE autoupdate oin gth esettings? i can not find it. and i will start going crazy and run my head against the wall soon. 10:50:28 Preferences > Advanced > Software Installation 10:51:42 there is NO such option in my seamonkey! 10:51:53 it is not there! 10:52:20 check default.... crash reporter, dev tools, thats all i have. no "software installation" 10:52:31 seamonbkey 2.53.1 64 bit on linux 10:52:38 let me download 2.53.1 and check 10:52:41 there is NO option to disable it 10:53:21 and everytime i use a copy of non updated working seamonkey i loose all my settings cookies logins... and all thaht crap. 10:53:24 im going crazy! 10:55:21 just checked on a fresh download of seamonkey 2.53.1, definitely there under Preferences > Advanced > Software Installation 10:55:34 is it the en-US version you have? 10:56:11 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.1 10:56:11 Build identifier: 20200222185934 10:56:40 try about:config and search for app.update.enabled and set it to false 10:57:33 and app.update.auto/$&&%�%&�&%$/& too i guess 10:57:49 done, lets see how long it works 10:58:33 not sure why you don't see Software Installation 10:59:35 could that mean it's disabled? 10:59:53 I mean, that it was built with updates disabled 11:00:17 (which then wouldn't be the official build) 11:00:31 https://pasteimg.com/image/cuEyM 11:01:20 it is definitely no t disabled as i reported.... and it is definitely not an option in my adv prefs, see screenshot 11:01:21 verblendet: open advanced on the tree pane, there's an arrow/+ sign of some sort on the left even if it's not very visible 11:01:39 verblendet: or just click advanced on the left side pane and hit the right arrow, that should expand it as well 11:01:46 DAMN! 11:01:51 what's on that screenshot is the general/root advanced pane, I think 11:01:52 that looks like it is not the official build with the spelling of calendar 11:01:55 WTF? ... sorry 11:02:12 i just have this calendar plugin installed but it is disabled. 11:03:02 invisble plus sign... i need a coffee... beer... or better vodka 11:03:36 I suspect that is something to do with the window manager theme 11:03:42 seems i have some sort of gtk problems... 11:04:07 it is sometimes hard to predict what the interaction between SM theme and the "platform" UI theme will be 11:05:03 verblendet. It seems you have a German Lightning. If 2.53.1 works so should the subsequent versions. We built on CentOS 7 and it is ancient. I usually test the i386 version on Ubuntu 14.04.06. Remove Lightning and any Language pack you have installed from the old version and try to upgrade. I am quite sure it will work. Lightning will be provided and you can then install a later language... 11:05:05 ...pack if needed. The only thing which might still break it is ancient add-ons. 11:05:40 in a profile I have here using the SM default theme, some things are harder to see with the selected gtk theme 11:12:40 :O using the modern theme i see an arrow indicatin submenus.... 11:12:58 i used default theme before 11:13:32 Broken Linux theme then when it does not show arrows. 11:13:57 default theme relies on the window manager theme whereas modern theme uses it's own icons 11:18:27 OK, i used modern theme, i removed lightning, disabled ALL extensions. started seamonbkey again, press update to 2.53.9..... update runs... restart sm... and my windows is empty 11:19:26 but i still see "termine und aufgaben" on top... but no other menu. and lightning is uninstalled.... 11:19:47 where to uninstall a language pack? 11:20:36 there is a directory in extensions folder... i remove it 11:20:55 but it says chatzilla... hmm 11:21:28 verblendet: add-on manager 11:22:15 wow, i needed to unsinstall lightning 3 times..... 11:23:23 verblendet If it starts up it means the library dependencies are resolved. Can you try with a new test profile. If this doesn't work it is something else like graphics drivers. 11:23:41 i have english GB lang pack.. can i remove all ? so the list is empty 11:24:52 verblendet yes. Then en-US or better the language of the installer will be used. 11:25:32 The first language packs were marked as compatible with all 2.53.* versions which exactly cause these problems. 11:25:44 omg... now it is in german.... ouch 11:26:01 i may have accidently downloaded a german static built 11:27:19 omg omg omg, update works :D 11:40:52 ok, as i removed all language packs and have a german sm now... i tried to find extensions and english lang packs... but ... erm... sm seems not to be supported very well.... https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/seamonkey/search/?q=english&platform=linux&page=&cat=55&atype=1 11:41:47 verblendet: http://archive.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.53.9/langpack/ 11:42:15 the �page above was a link in seamonkey! more about addons.... 11:43:40 verblendet you can download the full en-US or en-GB installer and just install/unpack over the current one if you don't want the German version. 11:43:58 yepp. seems the better solution 11:46:07 We currently don't have a way to update language packs but at least they should no longer break the build after an update. 11:54:54 verblendet: i believe the issue with langpacks before that they did not do cZ or calendar have now been resolved. 11:55:48 hmmm, for some reason i have ligning installed again.... does it come witgh the default us built? 11:56:36 extension and addon support for sm seems poor.... all the good old plugins wont work 11:57:15 searching the website above is very frusttrating when it says: here you have seamonkey plugins.. and they are all greyed out 11:57:47 is this still the "the coder has hardcoded firefox in the plugin" thingy? 11:59:07 verblendet Lightning cZ and DOMi come bundled. You can only disable them. One reason to not being able to uninstall is to make the update work better. 11:59:13 verblendet: lightning and cZ are now packaged in. that is why the langpacks now work for them 12:00:23 plugin support is basically dead. NPAPI is being removed. Classic add-ons still work and are updated by some still. 12:00:25 you have to pick the problems you want to solve. If cZ and lightning are not packaged in, then langpacks are not really a thing that works 12:01:39 Although in the case of cZ there at least were cZ langpacks but then an issue with needed a cZ and cZ langpack for the correct SeaMonkey version 12:01:54 so this is kind of better but different 12:02:25 ah i mean addons not plugins... anyway, i cant find some on the mozilla website... all says "this is not compatible..." but e.g. adblock i can download and manually install and works 12:02:43 i remember hacking some manifest files and change strings to make addony work 12:03:41 verblendet Links to NoScript and uBlock Origin are in the release notes. I strongly suggest to not use Adblock Plus any longer. 12:04:11 https://addons.thunderbird.net 12:12:59 WG9s, https://www.imgpaste.net/image/KX8ISB 12:13:04 erm..... 12:13:28 thats what i mean. i dont see a list of sm compatible addons.... 12:13:39 most of te stuff is marked as not compatible 12:13:50 even if it has a big sm logo on top... hrhrhrhr 12:14:59 verblendet: I wonder if we need to update the compatabilty of the add-ons to allow 2.53.9 becuase perhaps have a 2.53.8 maxversion? 12:16:14 maybe..... 12:18:50 This is something the add-on author needs to do after checking for compatibility. You can download and modify install.rdf yourself and test. 12:19:07 No signing requirement. 12:20:35 xpi is a zip file, right? 12:21:00 Yes it is just a zip file 12:21:05 yes 12:21:30 you can unzip change install.rdf and then rezip and then install form file on the add-ons page 12:22:21 IF they have a META-INF directory remove it too. Contains the signing information. 12:24:20 verblendet: addon sites can add to the confusion, sadly 12:24:46 as thunderbird has moved to webexts, you sometimes have to dig working versions from the version history in addons.thunderbird.net 12:27:04 if you change the maxVersion you might try 2.53.* rther than changing it to .9 just sayin' 12:28:46 They have actually moved to mailexts. Web Extensions were never designed for anything but browser and teh gecko implementation is a bad mix of backend and frontend Firefox only so they need to add apis and code to support it for almost everything. One of the reasons I think web exts are crap but again one against the world will work out well. Thank mozilla for it. 22:41:37 hm 22:42:00 mh 22:43:06 hmmh 22:53:15 mhmmhm