00:09:32 https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lldGDr wtf, I can now run Doom on my GPU, literally 00:09:53 (yes, it works on SeaMonkey - 12FPS here on prehistoric Sandy Bridge graphics with Mesa) 00:10:46 soon we'll be able tor run Linux on our GPU---wait, IT HAS BEEN DONE: https://blog.pimaker.at/texts/rvc1/ 11:39:13 GrannyGoose: I see your IRC client did not like my way tomake the topic human readable and shorter. I tested using chatzilla and it did not include the ; in the link 11:40:01 I actually had made this change when 2.53.9b1 was released. I guess no one with a client that does not exclude the ; since august 11th. 11:43:19 WG9s_, i use Hexchat. an its pretty much out of date but it works for me, i hate bloatware like adiircx 11:45:41 i might be wrong but afaict, ADIIRC is just a fork of MIRC 11:46:28 i should not have used ; anyway becuase if it does get included in a link is really a vulneablity exploit of bad cgi-bin scripts character. funny thing is in older webserver that included sample cgi-bin scripts they ended up taking the query string and passing it to a shell and ; is the shell caommand seperator so by including a ; in the string you could folow it with any arbirary command... 11:46:30 ...that would run with the privilege of the webserver. 11:47:48 too bad you cant specify an html topic so you can say what should be linked and what the link target should be. you could get a shorter topic and avoid such issues. 11:50:18 so you could linkify SeaMonkey Stable 2.53.9 and make it go to https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ without that even have to show as part of the topic. 11:50:53 problem with IRC in generasl i think unles you use that website that shortens URL's ? 11:54:16 anyway im off to bed 12:28:53 hi, for no reason my good old seamonkey updated automagicalley. this brings me now intro great trouble! i never started the update my own, and no auto updater is activated as i know. 12:29:15 now, i open seamonkey mail and se NOTHING! blank windows, just a stupid calendar plugin seems to work 12:29:40 no hotkeys, nothing. how do i get my old seamonkey back, i need it urgently. i need my emails, bookmarks i colllected fopr years 12:29:50 and why the fuck does this happen? 12:30:21 i believed in sm so much... but sutoupdating and breaking everything on my old linux is a big pain 12:30:38 how to get my old version back? where is the backup directory the updater created? 12:30:40 verblendet. Which version did you run? Updates are onyl enabled for 2.53.1 and up. 12:30:44 it created a backup right? 12:30:54 And basically only work for 2.53.5 and up. 12:31:15 i have no clue which version i ran before as it updated. and this is shit. 2.53 never worked for me for the above reason with empty windows and older linux debian 8 or so 12:31:34 fact is the updater ran. so where is the backup ? 12:31:42 the updater created a backup, right? right? 12:31:50 i am sure it created a backup ;) 12:32:04 as no serious coder would do it without, right? 12:32:40 and the user hgas to decide if the updater is run automagiocally, not by default. this is a fail! 12:33:07 verblendet: first figure out what updated what. 12:33:13 No You just need to reinstall the old version manually. But if it was 2.53 you should just fix up your profile. Did you use a custom theme or an old language pack? 12:33:21 verblendet: linux? any chance it was the package manager that updated it? 12:33:26 what updated what? he? 12:33:41 i use seamoinkey tar gz usually, no stupid packagemanager 12:33:49 verblendet: well, was seamonkey updated or not? 12:33:53 apt has no clue about my seamonkey 12:34:15 it was updated when i started sm as usual and then the damn useless updater started for no reason! 12:34:18 as i said 12:34:25 speaking of backups? Backup your profile *now*. just in case any further step causes damage or removes any file that may be useful 12:34:41 yes, updater usually damage stuff.... 12:34:56 so its the job of a seriouos updater to warn me and dont do it autopmagically, damnit 12:35:17 verblendet The updater started because you left enable updates checked in the preferences. Otherwise it wouldn't. 12:35:37 then it owuld have updated yesterday already and ort the day before... etc 12:35:52 i just logge dout and restarted window manager and restartet sm as usual 12:36:08 there is NO level 8/9 error 12:36:13 verblendet: so you were *not* using 2.53? You know which version you were using? 12:36:35 it was definitely a version <1.5 12:36:37 2.5 12:36:47 you mean <2.53? 12:37:01 as 2.5 and ongoing wont work as i explained before, empty windows ... no hotkeys, just empty windows without menu. 12:37:23 <2.5 is also <2.53, right? something like 2.3 or so 12:37:34 the backup would tell me :P 12:38:10 and i dont have space to vreate backup of my profile right now, argh. >30gb 12:38:58 verblendet: 32 bit or 64 bit linux? 12:41:34 64 12:41:35 2.3 or 2.4 really shouldn't have been able to update, I think, certificate and/or encryption suite issues 12:41:59 in case i can fix a newer version and it will run... how to disable autoupdater? is it enabled by default? 12:42:13 is there a list of aut,gaisms in sm? so i can disable them? 12:42:25 Aren't these all in the same preference pane? 12:42:31 verblendet: for versions downloaded from the SM website it is enabled as default 12:42:40 If you knew it was 2.5 it is here: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.5/ 12:42:41 As far as I know autoupdates for old versions to 2.53 were disabled and they should stay disabled. Edit->Preferences->SoftWare Installation 12:42:43 ok, and how to disable? 12:43:17 not showing anything... I'd guess either some extension or lang pack (try safe mode), or wrong profile 12:43:20 ok, first thing on my list, disable autoupdater stuff. 12:43:23 Just untick Automatically check for Updates. 12:43:27 but I guess then mail&news would have shown the "create account" wizard 12:43:47 verblendet: did you get an account creation wizard when you opened mail&news? 12:43:53 no 12:44:14 a new sm starts up and i get a mail window and i see only the calendar 12:44:25 no menu for mail etc, no hotkeys for browser etc. 12:44:50 can you take a screenshot? Also, can you try "seamonkey --safe-mode"? 12:45:44 i dont risk starting it again damaging my profile completely. NO 12:45:48 It was with 2.49.x that linux 64bit was available officially 12:46:39 verblendet: then what about you run "seamonkey --ProfileManager" and create a new profile for testing 12:48:24 got a backup and will no continue my work. someday i get a newer linux and a newer sm. first have to get a hdd to create another backup of my profile. 12:48:32 wasted 2h now 14:37:52 verblendet: have you tried starting with a CLEAN profile? 14:38:17 also, FWIW no web browser ever made backups of the prior version before autoupdating, except maybe for IE 14:39:05 I get that feeling ("it autoupdated, not everything is broken!"), for real, but... need to be calm for troubleshooting 14:39:27 also, Debian 8 has been EOL'd since 2017 (and 2020 for ELTS) 14:39:58 time also to get used to do manual backups of everything - I do regular full disk images, particularly before huge OS updates