tommanwhen did 2.53.9 released?!
tomman...last night, huh
frg_Awaytomman early early morning :)
tommanlate night here then
tommaneverything been fine with .9b1 so far, so I guess it will be business as usual with the final
tommanbrb, updating~
tomman*insert here Spongebob-themed "4 DAYS LATER" sign*
tomman...no answer, other than the threat of using more shiny Googleisms :/
tommannobody even cares about polyfills anymore, so if there is a bug or limitation with those, we will never know
tommanthe sad thing is that I feel there is some low hanging fruit here with regards of a bugfix, but with no way on where to start, well...
frg_Awaytomman We should probably set to Firefox 100 so comparing versions end.
tommanAnd then Google switches to timestamp version numbers :D
WG9s_i tried to tell mozilla to do that when they came up with the new version number thing
WG9s_yyyy.mm or yyyy.quarter
WG9s_no one listened
fantomashello. Is python2 necessary for building SM 2.53.9 ?
IanN_Awayfantomas: I would say yes