00:19:13 Yep, this one (bug 1396366). Thanks. 00:26:16 buc Well I check the beta and didn't see the problem there. I hope it stays this way or we are at next. Will put it in the next 2.53.10b1pre. Seems I overlooked it when I backported. Would have been in one of the next batches anyway but... 00:29:24 Well, it seems I just caught a rare case (see the bug comments) -- exit right after the start, use startupcache and use some preloads due to polyfill addon. So your official may go without it for a while. 01:16:04 And we have a live release: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.9 01:16:06 :D 01:34:13 Bug 1396366 will be in the next 2.53.10b1pre too. Too late for today. 06:38:46 this URL dont weork ewong https://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/; 06:40:00 GrannyGoose: bah.. sorry my mistake. apparently the ; is futzing the link 06:40:07 this does http://www.wg9s.com/comm-253/ 06:40:41 good man 06:41:02 there should be a space after the / 06:41:21 GrannyGoose: thanks for catching that 06:41:55 not the only thing i been catching, you'd think Journo's would get surnames spelt right 23:28:58 GrannyGoose: I am try8ing to find out how ewong posted that to the topic differnt than what I did that worked with '; ' as what was between different things in the topic. 23:29:19 seems odd it works when i do it and not wen he does 23:30:06 i was trying to save space between the previous ' || ' to shorten it to '; ' 23:30:26 at least ' | " is now shorter trying to get the topic back to less lines ling 23:31:20 qwhen there is both a final and a beta 23:45:04 Status meeting notes are up: 23:45:05 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2021-08-22 23:45:07 https://wiki.mozilla.org/index.php?title=SeaMonkey%2FStatusMeetings%2F2021-08-22&type=revision&diff=1237621&oldid=1237470