01:34:34 Finally I did get to update seamonkey.at for current releases - and also have prepared everything so I can get the upcoming final and the next beta up there faster. Sorry for taking so long to get this site updated 07:04:47 KaiRo[m]: danke! 20:23:00 22 hours ago I asked for a list: https://github.com/ruffle-rs/ruffle/issues/5118#issuecomment-903341823 20:23:08 only got a pack of crickets 20:23:50 I'm suspecting such a list of "Web Components features used by this project" may not exist at all... 20:23:57 CLOSED WONTFIX USECHROME 20:47:01 Since FF and TB 91+, date and time formats can finally be correctly customized in the most complete way -- see intl.date_time.pattern_override.* set of prefs in https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customize-date-time-formats-thunderbird 20:47:11 Just 4 years and 222 comments of bug 1426907 (plus related) and they decided that it was really necessary. 20:47:18 Those who are able to compile SM on their own can use Fedora's patch right now: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/seamonkey/raw/f7b64dc9b0a8/f/seamonkey- 20:47:26 The backport is easy enough (see comments in the patch), nothing affected if new prefs are not set. 20:47:32 Date format in the thread pane (btw. browser history too) seems to be a last remaining nasty and annoying thing for 2.49.5-->2.53.x switch. Many people still use 2.49.5 (even for email only), it might be one of reasons for this. 20:48:16 Polynomial-C: a-865: Could be interesting for you too. 21:00:50 buc: does fedora offer any way to customize libicu locales? 21:14:22 I will see that I get it into 2.53.10. This stuff was sooo broken in Fx 55 and should never have shipped then. Already a few updates in but always find something missing too.